It was the morning of the end of Xilaba, rainy but with a shrunk heart, because we knew that the afternoon would offer us an excuse to spend four great hours, as it is not common for some Basque communions to occur. Once and for all, it was the occasion to organize an exclusive event for the Basques.
Because today everything is bilingual. Bilingual. I repeat all that said, methodically, by translating it. Both when Euskera takes the step in popular movements, and when a minimum language policy is carried out in public structures and something is produced in Euskera. It looks pathological, it's pathetic. It is a Community standard to develop afixas, programs, newsletters, public conventions, etc. in balanced bilingualism and comprehensive methodical translation. In Basque evil from time to time the same thing, because it does not matter, because reading in Basque is purely militancy. Every word is given equivalence. So the Spanish will not let anything down. In other words, information about any event or initiative, even if the latter is aimed especially at the Basques, will also reach it. I do not think anyone likes to be soaked with double information, but it is very gratifying to know what is being told to the Basques. On the contrary, he is sure that there can be no frustration for the Castilian speaker. There is no reason or interest in Euskaldunization. In addition, if the Basque were a second man, he could turn to French. Unfortunately, that is the case. Because coexistence is not a peaceful responsibility and is developed on an equal footing.
We (Euskalgintza) also defend bilingualism, demanding, step by step, slowly, because it gives us the opportunity to exist and because we believe that from there we could continue, in the name of transparency, to be more accepted, to advance something in use. Do we live at all? Do you breathe? Or did I breathe?
The conclusion is that methodically seeing in two languages the poster, newspapers and speeches does not generate any kind of frustration for the erdaldun for not knowing Euskera; it does nothing, almost, loses and can continue calmly with the traumatic discourse of always without ever taking the path of AEK “amatxi le parlait”. Beyond that, repatriations can also occur: the return of verses, the subtitling. For me there is the problem, there is rarely a bonus for the speakers and for those who do not know how to lose when that is the case; this is a way of acting and a policy that brings us little closer, that wants to defend the Basque without harming the French, who wagers on the French without really valuing the Basque.
So far we are exasperated whenever a man from the South risks calling the question of language into question. On Saturday morning we waited for the children: The famous Le Piéton writes every day in the Sud Ouest newspaper. Who can know? We don't know. It's anonymous and a high-value gap. On the morning of Xilaba, the pietto regretted having the poster of the final only in Euskera, and from there the Castellanoparlantes not invited to the celebration, dense but firm, accusing them of sectarianism. All of a sudden, frustrated therefore and, therefore, all poison.
The smallness denounces more. It's no surprise, you could predict. The socio-linguistic survey 2011 showed an increase in the opposite opinions to Euskera: they would lack discomplexity. To know how we're ignorant. Everything is in the same evolution: time in time, backward. Pietuna, a piece of poor, dared to call the marginalized, out loud, and more will come, taking the sheepskin away. Besides the joy of the weekend, awakening rage.
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