Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

We strengthen what strengthens us

  • For ARGIA to come to follow and give voice to more people of all that happens in Euskal Herria, we are people who want to further strengthen the project. How do we strengthen LIGHT? With more people who contribute financially and with the maximum possibilities of each. These contributions are destined directly to the project: all workers have the same salary and we reinvest the company’s annual economic results in proyecto.Para increase people’s economic protection, we have adapted our subscription model to the world we are building, maintaining our traditional logic and values.

30 November 2016
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“A new subscription system without a specific price associated with the product? Everyone putting what they can and picking up what they want? These of ARGIA are crazy,” we’ve heard more than one.

Does it come out of capitalist logic to park product prices and seek project adherence? Differentiate the product you receive from the financial contribution you make? Allow people to pay as much as they can? Yes, but if the ARGIA project has been developed for almost a hundred years, it has not been thanks to capitalist logic. We have come here thanks to the people who put our money to drive values that cannot be paid in money. In this respect, it does not bring anything new. What's the key? Clarification of the reasons for the imposition and collection of all contributions: from those who want to contribute more and from those who can contribute little. Those of us who believe this project is worthwhile now have the opportunity to strengthen LIGHT.

Logic and people of all time, the project of today

“We are always subscribers, eh!”, or “I just partnered” or “you are also from ARGIA?”... each one indicates with his words that he puts money for the ARGIA project to be underway. It's involved.

Since 1980, the way ARGIA survived has been to pay the annual fee in exchange for receiving the weekly and monthly magazine Larrun.

Over the years, the journalistic works carried out by ARGIA have multiplied: in addition to working on the web information related to daily life, we put all the contents free and free for the works in Basque to be disseminated to the maximum; we live on social networks and from there we have managed to get young people and new readers; on the Internet we are putting the largest collection of audiovisual works in Basque (more than 2,100 videos).

What do all these works contribute to the promotion of ARGIA values? That many of the works that ARGIA does for the benefit of the citizens and the Basque Country are not “products” with price in the laws of the market. On the other hand, there are people who value this work done by ARGIA and who want to make an economic contribution, without having a paper content.

How can we adapt the subscription model we always have to this new situation?

Keeping the core of the subscription. I mean, understanding that ARGIA is the whole project that we keep with our financial contribution. Therefore, the subscription fee which has so far been subject to the weekly price will henceforth be linked to the project. Whether or not we receive the Weekly at home, that is, whether we are “interlocutors” or not, all of us who put money in favour of the ARGIA project are from ARGIA: “ARGIA people”, making a nod to the “Basque people” of Xamar.

How much do I have to put in then? Individual participation

Quiet, dear partner. As long as you do not tell us anything, we will maintain the relationship as usual: to put EUR 148 a year (that is, EUR 12 a month) and weekly weekly weekly weekly weekly, each month in Larrun and in early February.

However, those of us who want to do so now have the opportunity to adapt what we give and receive from the ARGIA communication project to our way of life. What is each of us prepared to contribute to strengthening these other journalistic tasks carried out by ARGIA together with the Weekly and the functions it performs? And what is everyone's welcome to ARGIA? All? weekly? Leather and Keys? Internet is enough?...

Basis of solidarity: Eternal

It's not the wettest times. There are many young people who have told us in recent years: “With my first salary I’m going to subscribe to ARGIA.” In ARGIA, we have always tried to make it possible for citizens in a more difficult economic situation to read. We know that people endure in difficult times. And that in life there are times of welcome and delivery. We all want the largest number of young people to be able to read ARGIA, so that, tomorrow, they and they can keep the ARGIA project with their input. And we will all agree that we cannot exclude from ARGIA those who for years have kept the ARGIA project with their contribution, either because they have been unemployed or because they have an economic emergency – today, we are sending a free subscription year to several members of many years who have been forced to interrupt their subscription because of their economic situation.

Trust is the basis of relationships, donation and procurement. We already know each other and we are confident that each one will make an effort as LUZ assesses when making the financial contribution. We are aware of the honesty and responsibility of those of us who make an economic contribution to maintaining the ARGIA project. The one looking for his last drink has everything for free on the Internet for a long time. The goal of ARGIA is to get more people to put money into this project, and each of us to put it within their capabilities. In this way, we will have the means to reach the areas and themes that we do not currently reach.

Transparent information, trust base

The key to people trusting and putting money to strengthen LIGHT is, of course, to continuously do the best journalism work possible and, on the other hand, to communicate clearly to people what we have achieved thanks to the money that he has put in. Every week on the Community page Itsaso Zubiria tells us what we do in ARGIA, how and why. you can see the lows of ARGIA at any time in the blog.

In addition, we in ARGIA will receive by letter every year the work done and the economic accounts. And whatever the question is put to you, it can be addressed directly to: By calling 943371545 (Iraitz Agirre facilitates relationships between ARGIA) or writing to

The strength of ARGIA is people.

We're very happy because we're getting more and more people from ARGIA in recent years. THE LIGHT sube.Lo that makes LIGHT strong is its social base. People. The more the weekly is passed by the hands, the more articles are shared on social networks, the more effective the work of ARGIA in the bar interviews. And the more people we put money into ARGIA, the stronger the project is: we gain the capacity to do more and better things and can better respond to possible attacks. An example of this is the fine imposed under the Moorish Law on the first journalist (casually ARGIA) in the Spanish State. We have decided not to pay the fine and also to fight in the courts for this unfair and illegitimate law. Because in the face of this kind of aggression, it means that the strength of ARGIA is the people, all the people of ARGIA will pick up that skin in a poster during the Durango Fair.

So if we have a LUZ fan in the area, it's time to do ARGIA. Providing you with your capabilities, collecting the format you like. If you come to Durango, stand for the ARGIA table with the poster excuse. We are looking forward to meeting each other.

The strength of ARGIA is people. And for people, to receive critical information, to get to know the interesting initiatives that are carried out, to position themselves on some values in the face of the whirlwind of news coming from the world, to promote those values from everyday life, to influence from childhood... We have the ARGIA tool. Do we want to strengthen what strengthens us?

Azken ikerketaren arabera, ARGIA da kalitate handiena duen hedabidea, parekideena eta herritarrei ahotsa gehien ematen diena

EHUko irakasle Maria González Gorosarrik eginiko albisteen kalitateari buruzko ikerketak Euskadi Irratia, ETB1, Berria eta ARGIA aztertu ditu, 2016ko martxoaren amaieratik maiatzaren erdialdera bitarte egindako kazetaritza lanak aztertuz (guztira, 340 albiste). Hona hemen, ikerketak ARGIAri buruz eman dituen hainbat ondorio:


- Herri mugimenduak erakundeetako ordezkariak baino albiste gehiagoren protagonista dira (%25 eta %18,75).

- Emakumezko eta gizonezko protagonisten arteko parekidetasun informatiboa agertzen duen hedabide bakarra da.

- Euskal Herria islatzeko ahalegin handia egiten du (%11,76) eta tokian tokiko informazioa modu nazionalean interpretatzen du (adibidez, “Gatika: herri euskalduna erdalduntzearen arrazoiak aztertzen”). webgunea

- Herri mugimenduei eskainitako tartea erankudeetako ordezkariek hartzen dutenaren bikoitza da ia (%53,85 eta %30,77).

- Webguneak parekidetasun informatiboa ez du papereko edizioak bezain zorrotz zaindu eta emakume bakoitzeko bi gizon agertzen ditu. Hala ere, emakumeen agerpena ondoen zaintzen duen webgunea ez ezik ( ratioa 1-5ekoa zen eta, 1-16koa), gainerako hedabideetako produktu informatibo nagusien gainetik ere geratzen jarraitzen du (Euskadi Irratian emakume bakoitzeko hiru gizon agertzen ditu; Etb1ek eta Berriak, sei).

Astekariaren eta webgunearen indarguneak

- Informazioaren jatorriaren zehaztapena (informazio gardena eskaintzeko), gertaeretan oinarritutako albisteak, zehaztasun handiko tituluak, informazio sakona eta hainbat kausalitate azaltzen ditu.

- Informazioaren sakontasunean, zazpi W-galderen erantzunak azaltzen dituzten albisteak paperezko edizioan %58,82 dira eta sarean, %46,15. Sareko ARGIAk kaleratutako informazioaren sakontasunak webgune guztiena (, albisteen %4,45 eta, %16,67) eta hedabide guztiena ere gainditzen du (Euskadi Irratian, albisteen %8,69 dira; Etb1ean, %3,92; eta Berrian, %35,71).

- Bizpahiru ikuspegi ematen dituzten albisteak bertsio idatzian %41,18 dira eta, bertsio digitalean, %38,46. Berriro ere, ARGIAren Interneteko edizioak gainerako webguneak eta informazio-produktu nagusiak gainditzen ditu (, %0;, %4,167; Euskadi Irratian, %13,04; Etb1ean, %1,96; eta Berrian, %28,57).

Horrenbestez, kalitate-indizeak astekariko albisteei 6,63 puntu eman dizkie eta sarekoei, 6,36. Euskarazko hedabideek lortu dituzten puntuaziorik altuenak.

'Zenbat gara? Lau, bat, hiru, bost, zazpi...'

Orain arte astekariaren harpidetza, pertsona bakarraren izenean egon da. Baina badakigu, etxera iristen den astekari horren atzean, normalean pertsona bat baino gehiago izaten direla ARGIA irakurtzen dutenak, estimatzen dutenak, eusten dutenak, harpide sentitzen direnak. Kapitalismoaren logikan, ordaintzen duena da jabe, baina badakigu bizitzan, etxeko ekonomian bakoitzak bere ekarpena egiten duela, beti txanponetan egiten ez dena. Eta beraz, ARGIA etxeko kide bakarrak ordaintzen badu ere, ekonomikoki etxeko kide gehiagok eusten diotela ekarpen horri.

Eredu aldaketa hau baliatu nahi dugu, jakiteko zein den ARGIAren benetako oinarri soziala. Zenbat jendek eusten du ekonomikoki ARGIA? Zenbat gara?

Ariketa zintzoki egitea estimatuko genizueke, ez dugu zenbaki puzturik bilatzen. Ekarpen ekonomiko bakoitzaren atzean zenbat jende gauden jakin nahi dugu. Proiektua zenbaten artean eusten dugun. Oraingoz, zenbat helbidetara bidaltzen dugun dakigu. Oinarri soziala ezagutu orduko publiko egingo dugu datua. Baita guztion artean zenbat diru osatzen dugun ere.

Mesedez, sartu “Egin ARGIAkoa” atalean eta bete datu hori. Edo bidali postaz idatzita, hurrengo astean astekariarekin batera jasoko duzun orria.

Elkarte eta eragileak ere, noski

ARGIAkoak egin daitezke, noski, eragile, elkarte, ikastetxe, lantoki, erakundeak... ere. 

2016ko abenduaren 04a
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