Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

The quote is on the ARGIA table.

  • If you come to the Durango Fair, a special gift awaits you at the ARGIA table: The Mordaza Act imposed on ARGIA the cover we brought this year, converted into a poster, in response to the fine. The strength of ARGIA to deal with this kind of aggression is people. That is why this year’s main objective is to make more people and to provide what everyone can. Among the books and calendars you can get at the ARGIA table, this year will also not lack salsa or humor. Stand for the table and say you're from ARGIA. With the excuse of giving the poster, we're looking forward to meeting each other.
2016ko Durangoko Azokako ARGIAren txokoa ateak ireki aurretik.
The Mordaza Act imposed on ARGIA the cover we brought this year, converted into a poster, in response to the fine.

At the Durango fairs of the last two years there are many who have joined ARGIA like us, and this year we are going to bring a renewed model of “subscription” (in next week’s issue we will explain in depth what it is), we have hopes and need to get more. Those of us who want to participate in this mission have a secret plan that cannot fail: All of them will convince us that one of the best things we can do to improve this world is to do ARGIA, with 7 arguments.

We are more and more ARGIA people and there are more and more references in the journalism that ARGIA does, but we have not managed to reflect that in the economic results. The sale of the Durango Fair also helps the communication project. Let's see if we've been able to make publications that people like ARGIA (here you have them, one by one).

Altza Porru

The 8 best comic book artists from Euskal Herria give us the experience of Jakoba Errekondo with stories and humor. In the garden we will find many topics to deal with: Basque, sex, crime, politics...
We have the opportunity to bring the book signed by the authors, as the cartoonists will be at the ARGIA table.

Characteristics: 101 pages in color.
Imaginary of the following authors: Antton Olariaga, Joseba Larratxe, Zaldieroa, Unai Iturriaga, Asisko, "Mattin" Martiarena, Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi" and Unai Gaztelumendi.
Price: ARGIA koontza 18 euros, for the rest 19.5 euros.



How many homes do we start the day by pulling the leaf out to the ARGIA calendar and reading the passes and the passes? This 2017 puts us on the hook of cultivating intelligence every day with problems and questions, and reinvents our memory with ephemerides.

Small format (7x11.5 cm), suitable for placing on the table or wall. 365 pages.
Price: EUR 9.


Table to hang the calendar

Custom artwork for the calendar, prepared to hang on the wall. Elegant to decorate or give away the house. With the purchase of the plank, this year’s schedule will take you for free.

Characteristics: Made in oak and hand. 19x31 centimeters.
Price: EUR 50 (and the gift schedule).


Moon Calendar

Linked to agricultural products. Illustrated with eye-catching photographs and texts by Pello Zabala this year. It shows the position of the moon every month and the daily trend according to the biodynamic calendar. Summarizes the major tasks of the month.

Characteristics: Each page shows the full month. 33x24 centimeters.
Price: EUR 5.


La Huerta Viva

In the 4th edition of the best-selling book in Basque last year. You will be able to buy it at the ARGIA table, signed by author Jakoba Errekondo.

Characteristics: 173 leaves in colour. A beautiful photo and a special design.
Price: For ARGIA 19.5 euros and for the rest 23 euros.


Zain gaituzu sarrera nagusitik sartuta, eskuinetara (ez zaizu ARGIAkoon mahaia oharkabean pasako):
Bertan egongo gara, egunero, ARGIAko langileak, kazetariak, Jakoba Errekondo, komikilariak...

ARGIA “harpidetza” eredu berrituaren aurkezpena:
Abenduaren 3an, larunbata, 16:00etan aurkezpenen Areto Nagusian.

Altza Porru komiki liburuaren aurkezpena:
Abenduaren 3an, larunbata, 16:30ean aurkezpenen Areto Nagusian. Jakoba Errekondo, Antton Olariaga, Asisko, “mattin” Martiarena, Ainara Azpiazu “Axpi”, Joseba Larratxe, Unai Iturriaga, Unai Gaztelumendi eta Zaldieroa.

Ilargiaren egutegiaren aurkezpena:
Abenduaren 5ean, astelehena, 17:00etan, aurkezpenen Areto Nagusian. Jakoba Errekondo eta Pello Zabala.

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