I would never have imagined that the Civil Guard would teach me a new word in Euskera, at least out of the most cruel nightmare. Well, the day has come. Eight people have been arrested in connection with the Alsasua fight, and the operation has been named Ausiki.
Ausiki, a word that knows phonetics, certainly the Basque one, but does not use it on a daily basis. I went to the dictionary. Bite and bite are synonyms, as well as death and biting. It is mainly used in the North and in several areas of Navarra.
Oh my God! It is not hard to imagine what the Civil Guard wants to bite. The bad smell that emerged from the outset from the overdimensioning and media projection of the Altsasu event. The stench increased after hearing the version of both parties and, above all, the response of the neighbours of Alsasua, who denounced with a massive demonstration the police assembly and the excessive presence of the Civil Guard.
I do not know the procedure for naming operations and I do not intend to investigate much. However, the names of the police operations implemented in recent years give us the clue of a possible psychology behind them. In 2014, members of the EPPK Mediation were arrested under Operation 'Xake'. Then came Maté, arrested by lawyers who were mainly involved in the defence of Basque prisoners. The operation against the alleged dome of ETA, called Pardines, was carried out in 2015 in France. José Pardines was the first Civil Guard killed by ETA. I think this year, in 2016, the peak of symbolic names has been touched by Operation Discovery. On the day of the Spanish Fatherland, which celebrates the savage genocide and which was previously the day of the race, the happy name seeks the connection between the Columbus Discovery and the discovery of the ETA arsenal.
The last one, Ausiki. It is not hard to imagine what the Civil Guard wants to bite. The bad smell that emerged from the outset from the overdimensioning and media projection of the Altsasu event. The stench increased after hearing the version of both parties and, above all, the response of the neighbours of Alsasua, who denounced in a massive demonstration the police assembly and the excessive presence of the Civil Guard. The right, however, used it to take advantage of the theme and burst the environment. Then we learned that police reports also denied lynching and ruled out the crime of terrorism. The National Court, for its part, spawned and opened an investigation considering it terrorism. The forms of political repression of this special court, which is perfectly in keeping with the witness given by the Francoist Court of Public Order, are well known. Despite the willingness of some young people to appear before the judge, the eight young people have been arrested and six of them have already been imprisoned by court order. All this is dressed to criminalize the Ospa movement.
Ausiki, it was Uxue Barkos Executive who carried out the moratorium on hooks imposed by the regime. Before clarifying what happened, the woman expressed an unqualified rejection. UPN wants to represent chaos and problems of coexistence, a society without direction or direction, governed by hatred. The regime has started a harsh offensive against Txin pon, Txin pon, Txin pon, Txi Txi. The bronca of Altsasu, the graves of Mola and Sanjurjo, the suspension of positions in Basque in the Public Employment Offer… It is expected that in the next three years there will be a permanent offensive with the help of the courts and the police.
The Government of Change of Navarre will be forced to evade the pace set by the regime and to find a way to create its own music. Another sense of Ausiki is to “worry” or “overwhelm”. And I would really die of the lack of capacity to deal with the narrative imposed by the regime.
Felipe Gonzálezen garaian Espainiako Barne ministroa zen José Barrionuevoren aurkako kereila aurkeztuko dute, Ipar Euskal Herriko errefuxiatuen aurka abiatu zuen estrategiagatik. ZEN Zona Especial Norte Planaren barruan egindako ekintzen erantzule nagusietako bat... [+]
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Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feministak deituta elkarretaratzea egin dute Hernanin Iratxe Sorzabali elkartasuna adierazi eta "babes osoa" emateko. Inkomunikatuta egon zen uneak berriz ere epailearen aurrean kontatu behar izatea, "bizi izandakoak utzitako ondorioen... [+]
Frantziako Poliziak 2002an atxilotu zuen zumarragarra, eta 30 urteko zigorra betetzen ari da. Sare Herritarrak mobilizazioa deitu du datorren ostiralerako, Urretxuko Potros Plazan.
Nafarroako Gobernuak ofizialki aitortu ditu gure lurraldean giza eskubideen urraketa larriak jasan zituzten Estatuaren indarkeriaren beste zazpi biktima. Horien artean, hitzez hitz “motibazio politikoko biktima gisa” aitortzen ditu Patxi Erdozain, Eneko Compains,... [+]
Iratxeren Bidasoaldeko Lagunak ekimenak deituta, dozenaka lagun kalera atera ziren atzo Iratxe Sorzabal preso politiko irundarraren absoluzioa eskatzeko eta behingoz etxera ekartzeko, torturak salatzeaz gain.
Sare Herritarrak antolatuta, pasa den urtarrilaren 11n Bilboko kaleak bete zituen manifestazio jendetsuaren ondoren, berriz sortu da eztabaida, euskal presoei salbuespen legeriarik aplikatzen ote zaion. Gure iritzia azaltzen saiatuko gara.
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Just as we experienced the flourishing of the Basque Country with the help of the artists, so that this time, taking advantage of their impulses, we continue to make our way together giving the necessary support to the Basque political prisoners, exiles and deportees
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