In the fall of 1894 Aña Etxegarai Debrua won the Bertsolaris Prize of Euskal Jaiak of Hazparne. The chronicler of L’ Avenir underscores this amazing event: “Before, it was only gender that belonged to strong sex – bertsolarism – but now weak sex has taken it on.”
The surprise, therefore, is that the woman has been the winner. Because it wasn't the first time. Mariana Hargain won the Kanbo Prize in 1888. In 1869, Maria Luixa Erdozio defeated Sara, also six years later. D. D’Abbadie discussed the marriage request to the latter and to Jatsu’s shoemaker. In Le Courrier de Bayonne he mentions that Mr Julien Vinson had laughed the square. He adds, however, that it was not common for the bertsolaris wives to sing. In the same contest, two years later, three out of five bertsolaris were wives.
Since the bertso is bertso, the wives have sung bertsos. And there have always been mechanisms of power so that they didn't appear or disappear from the plaza. To make them happen. Most importantly, there have always been women who have faced these mechanisms. What is remarkable is that in itself it has become invisible or an exception.
Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.