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"Before I met Jakobitas I was a Jacobean"

Argazkia: Dani Blanco
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Everything you know about the vegetable garden has been put into eight pages in Altza Porru. Did you not know much then?

Well, no. I know little and I also forget how little I know. I remember asking my mother how to sow the garlic and she responded. Two days later, I called him through the garden, wiping the garlic in his hand, to see if the fig was down or upside down. Disaster!

What unites Falces, Aranzadi, Lezo, Abaurregaina, Twitter, Etxauri and Txantrea?

That is the map of my life, or “Lutelestia” (remembering the lutelestia book from all over the World of Childhood). My geography is not that of the whole world, I've lived on a smaller map.

You say that the orchard, besides being autobiographical, serves to bind…

Well, I put it as a joke, but it's true. Basically, the impression that the one coming to your vegetable garden is going to have is very good: “Squeeze! That's nice!" Of course, there are fruits to make copious meals or to make world recipes, so like Pavlov's dogs, visitors start producing saliva before entering and joining you with pleasure and realize that they will not starve to death with you… Well… From there dinner plus bed is at idea one week!

Participating in
Altza Porru you join the “Secta de Jacobistas de Tierra”. Won't Zaldieroa go again?

I've always been Jakobita. Instead of looking for life on other planets, I've always flipped with life here. It's more striking to see how a pumpkin grows than to find some bacteria on Mars. The whole system is exciting: how the pumpkin accumulates water, how we then take the properties of the pumpkin, the residues in the compost, the land of the compost, the squash of the earth. It's terrible! I was Jacobi before I met Jacobi.

What did you think of the vegetable cartoon made by Asisco in the presentation of the authors?

Very good. [And then Altza went to look for the book Porru for not remembering the cartoon] Whoa! Yellow bell pepper. Very good.

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2016-11-04 | Garazi Zabaleta
Asisko Urmeneta
"In the orchard I've drawn almost all the comic book."

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Antton Olariaga Aranburu, Altza Porruz:
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What has been the experience of Altza Porru? Have you had to check the book Bizi Baratzea many times before you start drawing?

Good experience! I in the garden, the truth is that the experience is zero. Or rather zero negative! But I've learned a lot. The orchard has taught... [+]

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