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Ku Klux, supported by Klan, replaces the first black president of the United States

  • Donald Trump has become a billionaire in the 45th in U.S. history. President, to the surprise of many. Trump has never held public responsibilities, his candidacy has caused division in the party, he has launched clear xenophobic messages without muddles, he has received reports of more than a dozen women for sexual abuse, he has been seen as a parody by international agents, parties and citizens... but his victory has been clear.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

However, the following data should also be highlighted: Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has won a total of 222,000 votes more than Trump, and Trump has not won in any city with more than a million inhabitants. It's a binomial that's repeated all over the world: the camp in front of the city.

In 2015, Trump launched an election campaign in which he called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. One of the first decisions he has taken after winning the elections has been to expel undocumented immigrants with "criminal records". The first step will be to "reinforce" the border between Mexico and the United States, and after that it will decide what to do with the rest of the immigrants who do not have papers. It gives the impression that Barack Obama's record will mature on this issue. In fact, the Nobel Peace Prize and the first black President of the United States has deported over three million people in the two legislatures. European parties that are breaking xenophobia and classism have been pleased with Trump’s arrival in Europe. Polish President Andrzej Duda and French ultra-right Marie Le Pen were the first to congratulate Trump, and the first European politician to face him after the victory was Nigel Farage, the leader of the UKIP xenophobic Brexit driver.

However, the triumph of the candidate who has received public support from groups such as Ku Klux Klan is not explained solely by racism or sexism. As playwright John Steppling bluntly explains, “the chief error of liberals has been to think that Trump would bring fascism, but they have not realized that fascism was already here.” The magnate Trump has been able to channel the concerns of hundreds of thousands of people who have been remarkably impoverished in recent years, including Obama’s neoliberal policies. The concern of Status Quo and the multitude that is fed up with the functioning of the current system has been put on the right side. Again. The contradiction “The Rich in Defense of the Poor” has again prevailed in the face of the lack of alternatives. The Democratic campaign against Trump and the Democratic candidate have been two of the worst candidates in the presidential elections. Trump's "alternative" has been a candidate raised, supported and promoted by Wall Street: Hillary Clinton. And to that must be added the unease that the candidacy has created within the Democrats. In the primaries, Bernie Sanders beat in several major states, such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Indiana, in the Great Lakes belt, Democrats have lost more than 10 percent of the votes and, more importantly, participation has declined. Compared to Clinton, Sanders has a clearer left profile, and it seems obvious that thousands of people who supported him have stayed at home on election night.

Donald Trump, a prostitute in New York

The "surprise" of Trump's victory has caused protests in many cities across the United States. There have also been incidents and shootings in some parts of the city around claiming that "he is not my president". The need to decide between two sides of capitalism like Trump or Clinton has left the left out. Most leftist parties in the West have opted for the "War Queen," a "less bad option," he said. And in the United States itself there are also differences between the forces on the left. Here are two examples. On the one hand, Angela Davis: “Black people’s priority is to stop Trump. I’m not as narcissistic as to tell Clinton I’m not going to vote.” And of the other, Mumia Abu-Jamal: “If Trump is the price we have to pay to defeat Clinian neoliberalism, so be it.” The rules of the game of bipartisanship have once again left off the left, and in the next four years there will be no lack of conflicts and clashes in the United States.

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