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The Media Censored Seven Trump Proposals Explaining His Victory

  • Ignacio Ramonet just published a very juicy article about Donald Trump’s victory in the U.S. presidential elections. He explains that major media outlets have spread several Trump statements to the four winds, but others have been silent, without informing U.S. citizens.

17 November 2016

1- Journalists do not forgive him, first of all, the frontal attack on media power. At the rallies, he is reproached for constantly encouraging people to whistle the “dishonest” media. Trump used to say: “I don’t compete against Hillary, I compete against corrupt media.” In a recently written tweet, for example, he said: “If the corrupt and disgusting media honestly collected information about me and had not inserted a false meaning into my words, Hillary would have made a 20% difference.”

Considering that his media follow-up was unfair or partial, the Republican candidate did not hesitate and snatched press credentials from several important media outlets: The Washington Post, Politico, The Huffington Post and BuzzFeed. He also dared to attack Fox News, the main television channel on the right leaflet, even though it fully supported him.

2- Trump denounces economic globalization, which he believes has already ended the middle class. In his words, the globalised economy is becoming more and more wrong. He recalled that over 60,000 plants have been closed in the United States in the last fifteen years and nearly 5 million well-paid industrial jobs have disappeared.

3- He is a passionate protectionist. It proposes an increase in fees for all imported products. “We will regain control of the country, we will make the United States a great country again.”

This Brexit supporter has clarified that, once elected president, the United States will leave the NAFTA Convention (North American Free Trade Agreement). Barcelona has also been very pleased with the TTP, which has been able to compete with Brazil. “The TTP would be a deadly blow to the U.S. craft industry.” In the Rust belt or rusty belt of the Northeast, this message is coming in forcefully, where relocations and factory closures left high levels of unemployment.

4- It also shows an attitude opposed to neoliberal cuts in Social Security. Many Republican voters and citizens over 65 who were victims of the 2008 economic crisis need Social Segurity (retirement) and Medicare (safe health), developed by President Barack Obama, and other Republican leaders want to eliminate. Trump has pledged not to touch it, to try to lower drug prices, to try to solve the problems of homeless people, to reform small taxpayers’ taxation and to suppress the federal tax that affects 73 million households.

5- Contrary to the pride of Wall Street, Trump has proposed increasing taxes on large social media holders who earn fortunes. He defends the restitution of the Glass-Steagall Act approved in the Depression of 1933. This law allows differentiation of traditional banking from investment banking, in order to prevent the former from making high-risk investments. Of course, the whole financial sector is absolutely against this measure being reinstated.

6- In international politics, Trump wants to make an alliance with Russia to effectively combat the Islamic State. To this end, Washington must acknowledge the annexation of Crimea by Russia.

7- Trump believes that, with the giant debt, the United States does not have enough resources to continue to make indiscriminate international politics. They can no longer impose peace at any price. Unlike some newspapers in your party, as a logical consequence of the end of the Cold War, you want to change NATO: “The NATO countries will never have any further guarantees of automatic protection.”

All these proposals do not alleviate the unacceptable, odious and sometimes disgusting statements that the mainstream media have made to the four winds. But they help explain better the reasons for their success.

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