Urlia wants prisoners at home. Sandia wants to know if someone is going to ask for forgiveness. He asks the coconut if the txantxangorri doesn't have to sing again.
Slow stretching does not relieve anyone's pain. But the issue is there, in the slow pace of the peace process. The problem is that ETA weapons come late. Five years after the truce. And the instruments are still on their espaldas.El problem
is that the state apparatus does not know how to adapt to a situation without throws: it does not have enough triumph, it seeks annihilation, as in the oldest Francoist military policy.
He has remained silent for months, wrapped up in his shell. Suddenly, as a crazy wave that has appeared in the prey, it has brought a document with the arrival of the autumn: to remember the cow martyrs – only his own – on 27 September. We realized that this source has flow, although we had forgotten it. He raised his head, exclaimed, and went to the winter tents.
For a while, he has remained silent, lamented by the minister of the Interior of Spain. However, in the wake of the awakening of the "terrorist band", which has written a communiqué and which has reached the front pages of the newspapers and which he, the minister, has to do something, have destroyed the hole in Paris.
They have been cultivated there, stepping on their heels, French and Spanish policemen watching the television cameras. It should be highlighted, with the aim of neutralizing the protagonist of the other.
On St. Simon's and St. Juda's day, one ETA statement, another, to say that they no longer had the hole they had found in France. They knew that they had it located and that they had not approached it for a long time. And what else?
As I have been told, there is a river in the River basin, called Kilimon. Raise your head and bend down the hills, quenching: at least you wait, hide here and there or emerge. And hence his fame. Sometimes little water, but always great fame.
In recent times, ETA and the Spanish Ministry of the Interior have remained hidden as fleeting drops on the Kilimón River: in the dry and fruitful mornings. It is not easy to guess why they are hidden and why they are explained...
But it's not the time to have fun at the hideaway. At this time – at this time when the arms have to be handed over, on this long walk back to the prisoners’ house, and at this time difficult to design and manage the road to peace – we need a healthier river. Otherwise, the txantxangorri will not sing again on the river.
Josu Urrutikoetxearen aurka bi auzi iragan behar dira aste huntan Pariseko auzitegi korrekzionalean. Biak ere ETA talde armatuko kide izateagatik dira, baina mementu desberdinetan.
Astelehen eta astearte honetan Parisen epaitzen ari dira David Pla eta Iratxe Sorzabal. ETAko kide eta ordezkari izatea, armak eta dokumentu faltsuak eta propaganda materiala izatea leporatzen diete.