Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

"Thanks to the theater, the doors of the world opened to me as women."

  • Her first steps in the theater in the toughest years of Franco were those of the veteran actress, Catalan and independentist Montserrat Carulla (1930, Barcelona). Today, just turned 86, far from thinking about retirement, it is clear that, as long as you don’t lose your memory, you’ll have your second home on the stage.
“Beti esan izan dut ez dudala hil nahi Katalunia independentea ezagutu gabe. Baina ez didate erraz jartzen. Osasuntsu nago eta erresistentziarik ez zait falta, baina urteak badoaz... Hala ere ez dut Katalunia askea ezagutzeko itxaropena galtzen”. (Arg.: J
“Beti esan izan dut ez dudala hil nahi Katalunia independentea ezagutu gabe. Baina ez didate erraz jartzen. Osasuntsu nago eta erresistentziarik ez zait falta, baina urteak badoaz... Hala ere ez dut Katalunia askea ezagutzeko itxaropena galtzen”. (Arg.: Jordi Borrás)

His first steps in the theater date back to the 1940s, in the midst of Franco. How did it all start?

When I was little, I went with the late mother to watch a Betty Boop movie, and I mimicked it for the first time when I came home. My late mother told me she was doing well and I believed. Later, I took my first steps in the theatre, specifically in the Pastorets performances, usual in Catalonia during Christmas.

Access to culture was not, then, mediocre. How do you remember that time?

We had a lot of shortages and a lot of hunger... My father was first in a concentration camp and then in Model's prison, while my mother worked on all the opportunities they presented to get their children through.

In this context, you were able to start your theatre studies.

I worked to study in a perfumery, first, and then in pharmacy school. I loved the theater, and I decided to enroll in the Teatre Institute after I had sold the gold earrings my mother had given me to make money. There I took my first steps as a professional. The truth is that thanks to the theater, the doors of the world were opened to me as a woman, being a woman was a problem at that time.

Despite having spent 70 years since its premiere, it continues on the stage. Do you intend to retire?

A year ago, I decided to leave the theater. To do theater, you have to have memory and mind in order. And there came a time when I saw that the insecurity of everything direct had an impact on my work. Since then, I've only been doing TV jobs, that's right, I'll keep working as long as memory helps me.

Do you think older women don't have enough recognition?

Women in general don't have recognition. Like many women I have also been wrong many times, I have done good and bad things. I have fought, above all, to move forward, proud of what I have done. The important thing is to get to bed at night, put your head on the pillow and live peacefully.

In the 1960s, when no one was separated, you got divorced.

Beyond society's response to the breakdown of marriage, it also influenced me professionally. My former husband was a friend of the director of the television station TVE, and when we separated he gave the order not to hire me. It was hard, because I already had four children and I started doing work outside the theater. Thankfully, they later raised the order through another colleague and I was able to get the job back.

Does age frighten you?

By no means. I'm often asked what the best age of life is, and luckily, I can't answer, because they've all been unique. Of course, I've lived good and bad things, but I'm proud of all the representations I've made in the script of my life.

He received the cross of Sant Jordi, the gold medal of the Generalitat and the Gaudí d’Honor awards. What's been the most important thing for you?

Everybody. Perhaps the most important thing was Gaudy, because it was not an institutional prize, but a recognition of the friends of the trade. But above those rewards, I have the appreciation that people give me, here and there, on the street. I am very grateful and that is the most important retribution for me.

Let's talk about politics. How do you experience the Catalan process?

I'm pretty worried because the high-order guys are scratching us once more. They don't stop. And let it be clear that I am not referring to the citizens of Spain, but to power. The Government of Spain wishes to impose its laws, its language and its mandates, and does not recognise that Catalonia is a nation and that every nation has the right to be its State. Meanwhile, Catalonia is bleeding to death and will not enjoy full freedom until independence is achieved.

Will you know the independent Catalonia?

[Laughing] I always said I didn't want to die without knowing him. But they don't make it easy for me. I'm healthy and I don't lack resistance, but the years go by... Still, I don't lose hope. Well, maybe I don't know, but I'm glad I left some seed.


“Nire herriaren maitale amorratua izanik ohore handia da herritarrek Kataluniako amatxia ezizena ematea. Zintzoki, nahiago dut ezizen hori antzerkigintza katalanaren damarena baino. Damak iraungitako gizartearen parte dira, zaharmindutako burokrazian hazi eta hezitako emakumeak, eta niri ez zaizkit gustatzen; emakume borrokalaria eta langilea izan naiz, bizirauteko borrokatu zuen familia proletario bateko alaba. Ausardia izan da gakoa. Horrek ahalbidetu dit emakume gisa askatasunean bizitzea”.

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