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Bilbao Arte Portua zikloa. Vladimir Spivakov eta Moskow Virtuosi. Egitaraua: Vivaldi, Rossini, Bocherini eta Txaikovski-ren obrak. Lekua: Euskalduna Jauregia. Data: urriaren 23a.

The Bilbao Puerto de Arte cycle has clearly committed itself to quality. This was demonstrated in the second installment, in which Vladimir Spivakov and his own group, Moscow Virtuosi, left listeners open. On the negative side it should be noted, once again, that in the Euskalduna Palace there were very few people, more than half empty baitzegoen.Pena impressive, as it was one of the most special quotes. Organizers will have to change the marketing strategy to turn it around.

Let's go back to the music. Everything was nice. We knew that Moscow Virtuosi is a fine, very fine group. But there are good teams here and there. In this case they have a plus: good communication and complicity between them. It is clear that musicians enjoy playing, and the public participates in that enjoyment. On the other hand, Master Spivakov has a form of “emotional” correction that I would say. Their gesture is not usual, their gestures are not typical technical gestures. Musicians are known and the director makes some suggestive gestures.

The Vivaldi Violin Concert was a bright way to start RV 273. Spivakov acted as a soloist and exposed his fleshy sound and extraordinary expressiveness. 3º Rossini The Sonata of Do Mayor, transparent and full of nuances, came to us, and the 4th of Bocherini. We heard a sweet symphony in re minor, The House of the Diavolo.

The second part was a real gift. We always find the Serenade do Mayor for the Tchaikovsky Rope, op. Listening to the famous 48, but the version of Spivakov goes beyond beauty. The first part of the props in the form of sonatine, without exaggeration, was very expressive. The second, Tempo di valse, capricious and sensual. The end of the concert was perfect. But Mr Spivakov was particularly generous. They threw four brilliant tips. Two pieces of Shostakovich: Prelude of Re minor and Polka in shape; 5 of Brahms. Hungarian dance and, finally, the Bella Libertango by Astor Piazzolla, with an exciting solo concertino. Great.

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