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"The Abertzale left did not think enough about the need for a new policy for the new time"

  • We spoke to Miren Zabaleta (Iruñea, 1981) on the day he is 35 years old. He has spent six years in prison for the Bateragune case, which came out in October last year, and is now part of the management team for the refoundation of Sortu.
Miren Zabaleta Sorturen Zohardia txostena landu duen taldeko partaidea da. (Arg.: X. Letona)
Miren Zabaleta Sorturen Zohardia txostena landu duen taldeko partaidea da. (Arg.: X. Letona)

One of the main functions of sortu is to invigorate the Abertzale Left. Who is the Abertzale left today for sortu?

Add to the historic project of the Abertzale left. All the independentists, progressive and leftists of this country have a space for alliance: EH Bildu and EH Bai. For example, that's where we can meet Aralar.

Have you spoken on the Path of Freedom and with Eusko Ekintza?

We've worked with each other and we'd like to be with each other. As we have said, we believe that EH Bildu and EH Bai should be spaces of confluence with them. The Left Abertzale will maintain the necessary contacts with the agents who define themselves as independentists and leftists.

Sortu must be refounded within five years of its creation. What did you do wrong?

Taking steps to continue in the new political cycle that has opened up in Euskal Herria and maintaining ambition are achievements of sortu, and on that he got it right. The mistake of the Abertzale Left is that a new policy was needed to confront the new time, and that is what has led us to the refoundation.

According to the Zohardia report, the trust and credibility of the Sortu has been voiced in the community on the Abertzale left. Why?

Sortu has become a distant reference for many sectors and people on the left, independentists and the left Abertzale, among others. We, on the other hand, want to show all of them that Sortu can be their effective tool.

In 2011, Sortu placed conflict resolution at the forefront of his political action and the results were poor for training. We now want to act differently, but where will the solution of the conflict take place in the new political praxis? It will
be a priority area, but that priority will be placed within the framework of a more general sovereign and independence process. Self-criticism has been clear: if we put the consequences of the conflict first, we give the State the key to conditioning our action. The conditions for the unblocking of the zone of consequences of the conflict are found in the agreements to be reached in that country and, in particular, in that direction of the development of the sovereign pro-independence process.

You want a Basque Republic by 2026, but you have also put a question mark to date.
We believe that in this country there are conditions for starting the independence process and bringing it to its destination. That is why it was important to set a date, without leaving the issue of independence as a reflection that continues sine die. The question mark means that it may be sooner or later, but that temporary challenge helps to give the scope, speed and dimension that you want to give.

The State has been sentenced to six years ' imprisonment for the crime of integration into the Bateragune. Have you had to pay the tolls inside the Abertzale Left?
No. We have become icons of the change of strategy of the Abertzale left, especially of Arnaldo Otegi, but Zutik Euskal Herria was the path and decision made by thousands of militants and militants. For me it has been a great honour, even though, like other Basque militants, we pay it expensive in prison.

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Create, foundations of the refoundation
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