The involvement of the civilian population and the army in the fight against terrorism is being discussed in France today. In other words, the attacks that have multiplied since 2015, how those who are not military or police have intervened in their duties and how to increasingly integrate the army into internal security matters.
In his blog Defense en ligne (on the line of defense) of the website of Le Monde Diplomatique, Philippe Leymar mentioned two proposals submitted on behalf of the Paris Parliament. One of them is “Garde Nationale”, a robust and territorialized military reserve to deal with crises. The other, presented by Mr Olivier Audibert Troin and Mr Christophe Leonard, will be as follows: The use of the army within the national territory.
Members Troin and Leonard have fundamentally analysed the models of Belgium, Great Britain and Israel to use the military within the state. We are undergoing major changes, as this title shows: Paradigm shift in 2015: Permanent and massive military intervention at national level, justified by the duration and intensity of the threat.
The election of Israel should not scandalise anyone, in the opinion of Members: it is only a matter of “analysing how a democracy has been adapted to a long-term terrorist threat, leaving aside the political readings we can make about the causes and reasons for which some of us are fighting”. Reassured by the soul clantly, here is Israel.
Israel’s priority is for terrorists to stay as far away as possible from the cities where they hunt. To do so, the army's military guards the borders and information services inside the house. The waterproofing levels of Israel’s borders are known, the very strict control measures of Ben Gourion airport, the main access point, the physical wall of protection against mutilated autonomous Palestine, etc.
Within Israel, three main information services: The part of the Aman army; Mossad, who is spying abroad (which today would be DGSE in France); and Shin Beth (the first DST in France, today DGSI) for internal counter-espionage.
Shin Beth, officially known as Shabak, has only 7,000 agents. In proportion, France would have 55,600… instead of the 4,400 it has today. Divided into the main sections – special operations, contraindication, cyberwarfare, more regional branches – each works autonomously collecting information, analyzing and performing operations.
The subsection of each city is also very autonomous in counterespionage operations. Shin Beth controls every family and every citizen in so-called “hot” areas. There are many agents who infiltrated these fields for a long time, in the immersion model. The coordination of the services is carried out as a pool or as a committee, but the last word is always held by the representatives of the army.
The Israeli army specialises in monitoring the borders naturally, looking at its external enemies. But, in return, the internal police are highly militarized and there are also many weapons distributed among the citizens, always under the control of the military.
The other two legs of the anti-terrorist model are the police called Magav with 18,000 officers, plus 1,500 reservists, and the army, the famous Tsahal, whose main mission is border surveillance and control of the Golan and the West Bank occupied by Israel. In the military classification of the West Bank, Zone C is fully controlled by the Israeli Army, Zone A is that of the Palestinian National Authority – with all its subordinate conditions – and Zone B is officially controlled jointly.
In search of precarious young people
The French electorate has been very interested in the structure developed by the Israeli military for reservists sendoa.Edozein in the face of a security crisis, Tsahal has twenty reservist divisions prepared, hundreds of thousands of men and women.
The military spirit has scented the whole of Israeli society. They educate Israelis in the security model from schools, starting with childhood. And there's a lot of guns in the hands of the citizens. Thus, the French have understood how little visibility police officers have in the streets in uniform. 3% of the population is licensed to use weapons, which would amount to two million people adapting to the French population. According to official data, since 25 per cent of terrorist risks are currently being curbed, the State ' s intention is to geolocate and coordinate these weapons in any alert.
In parallel with the work of Members Troin and Leonard, the Senate Defence Committee chaired by former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has produced a comprehensive report on improving the civil reserve, coordinated by Senators Jean-Marie Bockel and Gisele Jourda. It gives clues as to how the military will work among civilians in the coming years.
France has two military reserves that the Government can mobilize depending on its degree of risk. In addition, there are some civilian reservations by State officials who, in the opinion of the senators, are not well coordinated in the face of current needs. They say that the army staff must coordinate civilian reservists more closely, soak in a military spirit and become aware of France ' s main defence issues. The model could be the work that the military is doing with the reservists engaged in cyberdefense – the Internet and digital space surveillance.
The civilian reserve that may be convened for military operations should diversify its sources of recruitment, especially among young people. The Senators recall that the Defense Code allows the involvement of any young person over 17 years of age: “Calling young people should make it possible to strengthen the armed alliance, which is then one of the pillars to strengthen national cohesion. The 15-20 age group is one of the most valuable instruments of these objectives and should focus primarily on them. On the other hand, there are operational needs in the defense of the national territory, and today armies need these ‘arms’ to fulfil their strategic function.”
Another cradle of reservists is those who seek work. They can learn a lot by collaborating with the Army, they can gain experience. “The cooperation between Pôle Emploi [employment office] and the military will bear fruit in the reserves.” Defence and Adecco ETT have started a collaboration to bring the military closer to the precarious people carrying out regular work.
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