The Ezpela (Buxus sempervirens) is abundant in relatively natural mountains of the wet Basque Country. It is a sturdy, sturdy, compact shrub, solid wood and rigid wood. Difficult. A few years ago, there was a mushroom that was strongly attacking. Cyelemocladium buxicola. Bring contaminated plants from the outside and bring them home. We think that a plant that was invincible, strong in the strong, is killed by a miserable fungus.
We seem to have brought a worm that bites everything in the leaves and the bark; Cydalima perspectalis. Our trade spirit brought Germany from Asia a decade ago and in a few years it has colonized the whole of Europe. Completely deycates the hubs. The other day, walking through the Five Villas, I was sad to see shiny wedges of old red earrings.
With our relentless buyer, we will soon also die the invaluable Amaia Ezpeldoi.
In the lands of the Atlantic Basque Country autumn brings the biggest harvest: corn, beans, pumpkin, apple, nut, chestnut, etc. One of the hardest tasks of the peasants has been to keep these fruits and seeds as long as possible. They are dishes that will enjoy fall and... [+]
Loretan lurrin loratzen da sasi-akazia, Robinia pseudoacacia, apirilean. Jorrailean. Zura ona eta lorea hobea ematen dituen zuhaitz puska hau inbaditzailea dela dio zenbaitek. Administrazio batzuek bere aurka jotzea sustatzen dute. Ni zalea nau, eta gomendio hauek haizea... [+]