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Readers asking

Ahabia, Vaccinium myrtillus. (Arg.: Tiia Monto-CC By SA)
Ahabia, Vaccinium myrtillus. (Arg.: Tiia Monto-CC By SA)

Hi Jakoba! I am about to put the blueberry and the red mortar in the orchard and I would like to know what is the most appropriate time to change it. Towards winter, I've heard ...

Igone Campos (Zumarraga)

Hi Igone. I guess you'll call red masusta to raspberry, Rubus idaeus. With the name of Masusta we have created a great ciculation salsa, and we do not know very well what fruit we are making, that of the zarza (Rubus fruticosus), that of the marugada (Morus spp) or that of the raspberry.

Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) and red berries, both lose their foliage in winter. This is the best time for change. Late fall and early winter. If possible, choose the waning moon day. The important thing is that it should be done someday when there is no fear of ice. Once the change is made, the roots will remain on the ground raised and if a little ice is made it can penetrate into the interior and damage the roots. Well crush the land around the plant during the change.

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