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The work of women on the need to listen

  • At 39th place in the town of Biscay. As part of the Film Meeting, on 22 October the platform (H)emen-Her(e) organised a moderated round table by Kristina Zorita. From their experiences worked Amara Mosteiro, Izibene Oñederra, Nahia Laka and Eneko Sagardoy.
Ale Goikoetxea
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Only 21% of films produced in Europe are directed by women, with which Kristina Zorita starts a round table on women and audio-visual at the Lekeitio Film Fair. The data is obtained in a survey conducted in six European countries. 84% of the funding is also earmarked for films directed at men, although in film schools half of the students are women. The invited rapporteurs have stressed the need to remove from the shadows the women currently working in the audiovisual field and to turn them into benchmarks to share their experiences.
Amara Mosteiro, professor at the Basque Country Film School; Izibene Oñederra, PhD in Fine Arts and author of animated films; Nahia Laka, who has just completed her studies and her post-internship work, and among these women the actor Eneko Sagardoy. The latter has approached on tiptoe because, being a man, he is placed in the group of the powerful and has therefore approached to listen more than to hablar.El study, which is being carried out by the Basque Government, points out that only one in four
companies producing audiovisual products is a woman. This fact has come as no surprise to Mosteiro. He recalls that among his colleagues they knew him as “the electric woman”, and he referred to the need to show his capacity for photography constantly in his work area. Laka, for its part, has been more hopeful, as it ensures that the sector will change course and women will make their place. In addition, attendees have stressed that a change of trend is taking place, although for this to happen properly they have underlined the importance of making women's work visible because it is essential that the next ones have references femeninos.El
debate arises on the need or not to guarantee minimum quotas of support for women. Mosteiro said that the aid should be allocated to 'anonymous' projects, such as men and women. Between the hearing, on the other hand, the opposite view
has prevailed, while we start from different starting points, they have said that at least a minimum should be devoted to work done by women, until we reach that idyllic situation in which we will be at least iguales.Piden sensitivity to institutions and less attention to the benefits that money invested in culture can bring: Sagardoy complained that “public transport brings no economic benefit and no one doubts investing public money in this area”. But Oñederra has reminded us that institutions are a reflection of the society in which we live. And I myself agree with this last mention. In fact, the concern of the ten people we've joined as listeners is hardly going to revolutionize the current male panorama of audiovisuals.

39. Films awarded by Zine bilera:
- Best film and professional production: N’Diawaldy Bouly (directed by Natxo Leuza).
- Best amateur film and screenplay: Astral letter (directed by Maite Bidar and Koldo García).
- Antzar Morea prize for the film that best worked the gender perspective: Always coplas of the day before (directed by Ageda Kopla).
- Other award-winning films: Xinta Dantza; Home; 280º and Current Front. Basque whales in Iceland.

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