What has been the experience of Altza Porru? Have you had to check the book Bizi Baratzea many times before you start drawing?
Good experience! I in the garden, the truth is that the experience is zero. Or rather zero negative! But I've learned a lot. The orchard has taught me that you have to work the land before you start working, and we also have to do the same thing: prepare the environment a little bit before you start drawing. And then, patience! We have to know how to wait… When we make a drawing or a comic, we put it in the drawer. Two days later we opened the drawer and then we see the result, its defects. In this respect, therefore, we too are horticultural.
Terabacteria, hydroponic field, biodegradable galpot, Trans-Risotto... Just for gardeners, isn't it your comic book for high-level scientists?
Beware! You have to read the labels. It is essential to know how to read. There, it is missing from that list, the most dangerous and the one used in the Jakobian building, namely at what time of night: Bordelese broth. It's a word widely used by Jakoba, and I think it manages it at its point. Maybe that's where your arrival...
given the floor to the topos in history. Why, among all the animals in the orchard, the topos?
Knowing how Jakoba works every week in the topo trade, it was essential for a topo to respond to his supporters.
In the story you have depicted revenge against him. Do you feel so bad about Jacob?
No, no. There's a very famous phrase. “Close to you, friends. Even closer, enemies.” Well, of course…
Have you ever had a garden? Was there any hiccups out there?
I have never had orchards, but in my head there are many holes... That's where we have to look for mopes!
One of the pioneers of the Basque comic book has participated in numerous publications. Have you been the first to talk about the garden?
I have ever done illustrations for textbooks or songs related to the garden, but in the form of a comic book the first in Altza Porrukoa. And it's really been a pleasure! Putting your feet on the draftsmen (as in Bertsolaris) and we do a graphic response exercise, for example, I found it very nice.
In the presentation of
Altza Porru you have been put on the face of beet. Why will it be?
They kept it secret, they didn't tell me why. But of course, playing in the book Bizi Baratzea, who with whom in the beet section? It says: “The people of the cabbage and the family have good friends.” It's a very fine way to call it Azaburu! But well, I'm proud to be a beet…
Jakoba Errekondok eta Mattin marrazkilariak Altza Porru komiki liburua aurkeztuko dute ostegunean, hilak 26, Ategorrietako (Donostia) Iturritxo jatetxean, 19:00etan.
Baratzea gaitzat hartuta Jakoba Errekondok eta zortzi marrazkilarik egindako Altza Porru komiki liburua aurkeztu da urtarrilaren 4an Hernaniko Biteri Kultur Etxean, 19:00etatik aurrera. Ainara Azpiazu Axpi hernaniar irudigilearen Arian Arian erakusketaren barruan egingo da... [+]
In Altza Porru we’ve seen you as the owner of the Jakobian building, a superhero who becomes a walnut… Haven’t the cartoonists really bothered you?
I guess not. I already have friends to those cartoonists, and you know what happens to friends… What has happened with... [+]
Vegetables buying in the supermarket, in the bar drinking small pines, listening to Su Ta Sagar… Isn’t it too much?
I find this way of life that we carry so fast exaggerated. Apparently, in the comic book, vegetables represent a chaotic world, but surely there's the life... [+]
Despite having participated in Altza Porru, you haven't made a full comic book story unlike the other cartoonists. Has Jakoba censored you?
I knew that Jacob intended to censor me, and so, with self-importance, I decided not to give myself that opportunity. And yes, it's true... [+]
Horticulture and politics have come together in your comic book. A bit surreal.
I heard Jacob say that whoever does not understand the garden is not a Basque cult. He turned my head around. One day, at ETB, they kicked off part of a Urkullu rally and I looked at their hands. It... [+]
Everything you know about the vegetable garden has been put into eight pages in Altza Porru. Did you not know much then?
Well, no. I know little and I also forget how little I know. I remember asking my mother how to sow the garlic and she responded. Two days later, I called... [+]
You've drawn a universe of permaculture, ecological orchards, biodynamics and zero junk philosophy. It's a paradise for Jakobit!
Yes, that is it! I love to imagine the natural tendency of nature to perfection when we don't intervene. Today, we always walk behind, inventing systems... [+]
Instead of talking about the vegetable garden, you have talked in your space of Altza Porru, Asisko…
Well, I'm a citizen, very nonsense, and as a family, I've never had anyone in my neighborhood in the hamlet. Now that I've made my life, I have a relationship with the earth,... [+]
It's up to you to introduce yourself to your compatriot Jakoba Errekondo in Altza Porru. Is it not a fat issue?
Yes, it was a small text, but it was a great responsibility. I felt the weight of responsibility over me, a cold sweat. In fact, it's the presentation of an important... [+]
With RISA TRAVIESA, I speak the comic book that tempted me by the edge of the towel. The garden seems made especially for those we love a lot, we enjoy its fruits but we do not practice. Eight street cartoonists have given the garden a complete imaginary and a sense of humor... [+]
Visitors were able to taste the seasonal products that approached the Ekonekazaritza Experimental Farm in Karabeleko on 16th. Jakoba Errekondo, in collaboration with eight Basque cartoonists and ARGIA, have found the right place to start the presentation of the book ‘Altza... [+]
As waiting for the first pea plant that the hortelan sowed, Jakobita awaits the new book. Date of departure. The best seller Bizi Baratzea bought the best seller at the Durango Fair and they ate it in their entirety in the coming weeks, they have come to all the presentations... [+]