This is Maria-Teresa Asplund, a 42-year-old Swedish activist working in the European Union. Born in Colombia, it was adopted at seven months by a family of Nordic origin and Chinese origin. The action against the far-right was not an isolated action. It has a long history in the struggle for feminism and against racism.
Your image turned around the world. Will you tell us what environment you have grown up in?
I began to see the fascists in my village when I was very young, and with total impunity I extended their ideology to the four winds. The rise of the far-right, therefore, we suffered here a long time ago, it is nothing new. At first I was afraid, but I realized I'm not alone and I felt able to face them. They can be more and more; we are also becoming more empowered. The manifestation of May One was the highlight; a day when the workers of the world have to proclaim our rights with pride.
Have you worked this fight in any organization?
I'm an entrepreneur, I don't belong to any organization. Although I have a very good relationship with militants from many organisations, I do not share the approaches of these 100%. I carry the militancy in a different way, but I'm still excited to see young women organizing.
Can the struggle for feminism be understood as a fight against racism?
Yes, I think so. What is more, you have to understand it this way, I see no other option. My struggle is the struggle for respect equal to the human rights of all.
In the heteropatriarchal system, it doesn’t matter if people treat you badly, it discriminates against you by race or by sexual orientation… In Sweden, for example, society has considered it normal. “It happens,” many say. That is a mistake.
The fight against racism, against machismo, which wants to put an end to homophobia… these struggles are one and the same. The fight for a fairer world where all citizens can have the same opportunities.
In southern Europe, the media and parties remind us time and again that the most progressive countries are in the north. Sweden is involved. Education, health and the development of public services are often mentioned. His action, on the other hand, made it clear that he is also reactionary in many other ways.
There is no doubt that racist and fascist attitudes are increasingly normalized. What is more, since the Swedish Democrats broke into the Swedish Parliament; moreover, the demonstrations they organise are still on an upward and upward trend. The theory of that “progressive society” that you say fell on the First of May, the day of action. On that day, the Nazis had no problem in occupying half of Borlänge, Sweden, with the security of the police. It was disgusting. Good X-ray: they are covered by the police forces of our Constitution, while their positions run counter to the principles of our Constitution. And that, I'm sure, is not just going to happen in Sweden.
Western feminism has often been accused of not taking on many struggles: the fight against racism, the fight for sex workers... As a Western activist, a feminist and an anti-racist, do you think that is the case?
No. I don't militate in an organization and I don't move much around the world, but all the Swedish feminist militants I know get their hands on. I do too. Just as we have had the support of 110% of sex workers, they do, for example. I can't speak on behalf of all the women in the West, but that's the situation I find in my day to day.
The women of Kurdistan have shown that in the most precarious situation feminism can also be a front-line struggle.
My greatest respect and support for all the women of Kurdistan, who, in addition to being a model for all the women of Europe and the world, must be a source of inspiration. There is no doubt that the struggle of feminism is firmly entrenching, and real political change is about to come, including in Europe.
For example?
What has happened in Poland in recent days is a clear example of this. The far-right government has been forced to reject the latest abortion proposal that has been put forward. It was not a bill that rejected the Government ' s reactionary and chauvinistic measures, but the direct consequence of a demonstration of the strength of women on the street. Feminism has shown that the conservative right can be defeated in the street. It's time to get back to the streets.
And in the institutions?
In Sweden, a feminist party was created that could enter Parliament. It is not my area, however, and I want to continue to work in other areas, of course, taking into account what is happening there.
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