At the concert offered at the Kafe Antzokia, Izaro Andrés confessed to the attendees that he had not been so nervous for a long time. It was no less, as the young singer of Mallabia just published her first album, Om, and presented it to the fans on the night of that Friday in Bilbao. However, he launched the challenge brilliantly and offered a great concert with all the records of his strong and sweet voice.
Izaro had three very experienced musicians next to him: Iker Lauroba on guitar and keyboards, Ane Bastida on bass and Oriol Flowers on drums. Until the launch of Om, the Mallabian has always acted as a soloist and is very close to the style of the singers, as it has the capacity to do so. But the contribution of the three musicians dressed the concert in a very way elegante.En
the darkness, Izaro started his performance without the help of the music and with the song Argia, which premiered live. Little by little, the power of the voice began to rise and, as soon as the first song was finished, it became clear what it is for. He cultivated all the colors of his voice with a song of intense passion. KoiLara also rounded up with a force that came out of the depths. Izaro's voice can be both sweet and strong, evocative and firm. After being up to the biggest soloists, he sang another song in English, with more pop-rock style, and was applauded by the public.
Izaro sings in three languages, and so it was La vi's turn in Spanish. Again, the weakest shades. The echo of the Spanish singers was evident throughout the concert, both in rhythms and in words. Then, Zangalatraba was one of the novelties of the night, as he had never played live until then. Nor was it lacking in the Paradise repertoire, which popularized Izaro's name in the music world. Izaro invited her listeners to a trip. As if it were a single story, the group recited all the songs, thanks to very short passages, which were recited by their colleagues.
It was a nice concert, happy but a little cold, and Izaro also distributed heart-shaped sweets to those who have collaborated in crowdfunding to publish the album. And all of a sudden, almost unexpectedly, the night reached its peak with the exciting interpretation of the song Your Grayscale. As if he were a singer-songwriter from the Canary Islands, let's say a Rosana regained, he put the Kafe Antzokia at the mercy of tropical rhythms. With a playful but steady voice, Izaro appeared as a trance volcano to explode. To finish the song, the band's four members played the percussion, to the point where the audience applauded and screamed like crazy.
Perhaps it was true and he was nervous in Bilbao, but the voice did not shake him. It cannot be denied that the Mallabian has a privileged voice, as he gave an exhibition at the Kafe Antzokia.
Hiuzz + Bloñ + Adur
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Non: Iruñeko Aitzina tabernan (Egun Motelak kolektiboa).
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