In the bilbaíno district of Olabeaga, on a facade of the houses, someone writes with capital letters: Dreaming. I had read it before. But last week I discovered that there is a corner near there with three chabolas, in which six young Africans “live” from Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon and Senegal. One of them took me there to proudly show me his “house”. I accidentally recognized him when I was collecting press paper in a container and I had to throw away my bag.
They are some of the thousands of immigrants who have come to the Patera of the Mediterranean in search of bread, freedom and paradise. They live without papers, waiting for the arrival of the police, who have no legitimate employment. They dreamed that in European paradise they would be better and endangered their lives. They came to Bilbao, where they barely live collecting paper and other materials so they can keep their day to day and send some money to the absent family. They dream of a better future, in the hope of finding a job that allows them to live in dignity, and not in huts. They dream of living with us. Dreaming is free and dreaming within a hut can soften the miserable stay.
This capitalist system generates inequality, misery, migration and war, and the reality of these young people is a reflection of it. In order for their dreams and those of thousands of other migrants (both economic and political) to become a reality, we must build a system that has as its axis human dignity, equality, justice ... But in the meantime, solidarity is needed, that of the nearby institutions (municipal, foral and autonomic) and that of the individuals.
Europako Batzordeak lege-proiektu berri bat aurkeztu du asteartean. Dokumenturik gabeko pertsonak jatorrizko herrialdeetara edo igarotze-herrialdeetara deportatzeko prozesua areagotzea eta azkartzea helburua du.
Harrera-herri euskaldun nola izan gaitezkeen galdetu zion Leire Amenabarrek bere buruari eta parean zituenei iaz, Gasteizen, harrera-hizkuntzari buruzko jardunaldietan, eta galdera horrexetan sakontzeko elkartu gara berarekin hilabete batzuk geroago. Amenabarrek argi du... [+]
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Hamasei migrante atxilotu zituzten otsailaren 6an Baionan, etorkinen eskubideen aldeko elkarteek salatu dutenez. Dirudienez, Baionako prokuradoreak eman zuen agindua. Operazioa autobus geltokiaren eta Pausa harrera zentroaren artean gauzatu zuen poliziak, tartean, adingabekoak... [+]
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To be honest, I don't know why I'm writing this. In today’s hostile environment, opinions of this kind are not well received. Perhaps LUZ will not publish this because it does not correspond to the opinions they have published so far (but if they have finally decided to publish... [+]
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
The tipi-tapa is the first step taken by a migrant person who leaves his homeland in Africa,... [+]