Syria is close to Lebanon and there the PAHF is fighting. What is your role?
We defend the Palestinians as self-defence. Nothing more than that, we are not fighting on the one hand or on the other. The position of the PAHF is not to enter into the internal affairs of Syria. The message to be sent to the armed Palestinian groups in Syria is clear: If you enter into the war in Syria, the Palestinians living in the camps will pay for the consequences of your actions and your negligence. The struggle of the Palestinians who live in Syria, Iraq or Lebanon must be limited to defending our society and ourselves.
What is the situation of the Palestinians in
Syria?Palestinian refugees living in Syria have lived in an excellent situation, much better than the Palestinians in Lebanon, for example. The Palestinians in Syria own all their rights and are subject to the same rights as the Syrians. In Lebanon, however, we do not have any civil or political rights.
What is your opinion of Bashar Al Assad?
Some Palestinians love Al Assad as much as the Syrian regime because it has given us so much. However, the Palestinian Authority has nothing to do with the Syrian regime, as Yasher Arafat had many problems with the Baas party and its government. During the Lebanese Civil War, Syrian troops surrounded the Palestinian refugee camps and there were often problems between the two. But the relationship between peoples has always been excellent, we have had a great deal of solidarity and the Syrian brothers are with us.
There are also Palestinian factions fighting against the Syrian government. Are they pushing for a civil war between Palestinians?
It is a small part of the Palestinians who have problems with the government of Syria. For example, Hamas. It is part of the Muslim Brotherhood movement and the Muslim Brotherhood wants to change the government of Syria.
What is the Israeli intervention in Syria? The
Syrian war responds to the Americans' intention to destroy various regimes in the Arab world. It is no coincidence that there has been no revolt against the criminal regimes that protect Israel and the Americans, as in the case of Saudi Arabia. Now Saudi Arabia bombs Yemen, massacring the Arabs.
Israel is not only the enemy of the Palestinians, but also the enemy of the Arab community; the Zionists are the drivers of apartheid policy. Now they also want to destroy the Islamic Republic of Iran. Israel wants to control the Middle East and for that it needs the help of Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.
In this complex geopolitical map, what is your party's position?
Our friends are movements that fight imperialism and capitalism, in Latin America, in Europe or in Africa. Those who fight for revolution and communism will always be fellow travellers.
Can what is happening in Syria influence the future of Palestine?
Yes, of course. Israel says it makes war "to protect itself." The resistance strategies of Hezbollah or Palestine have completely dismantled this idea. Israel’s real intention is to destroy the area from Iraq to Egypt and to establish governments that defend their interests. Israel wants to extend a full-scale war. In Syria, it is intended to promote the geographical division between supporters and opponents of the regime and religions, which are the first two. What they did in Iraq, what's happening now is in Syria. For them, Syria is the region’s most important enemy and also has excellent relations with countries such as Iran and Russia.
With regard to Palestine, the Syrian Government has historically supported and supported Palestinian resistance within the community. The Hezbollah defeated Israel thanks to the help of Syria. That is what we need. Now that Iraq has been destroyed, we hope that Iran will protect us, because we need help for it.
What is the solution to the conflicts in Syria and the Middle East?
Syria needs a political solution, as a military solution cannot be given to the conflict. The Islamic State and mercenaries around the world are fighting in Syria. The events in Tunisia and Egypt are on the same path. The “revolutions” promoted by the Americans have brought war into the Arab world.
You mentioned Daesh (Islamic State). What is the relationship between the Western forces and the Islamist groups fighting in Syria?
The cooking work is done jointly by radical Islamist groups and Israel, for example. The Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) militiamen, who have been detained, are being treated in Israeli hospitals. The Islamic State, which uses weapons manufactured and provided by the Zionist State, has been advised by numerous Israeli military personnel who have participated. Israel is the father of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State in the Middle East.
Against Israel it is the only Arab spring we need. The Zionist State must be destroyed and that must be the objective of all Arabs.
Do you see any possible solution with Israel?Despite the fact that
for 20 years we have tried to find a solution, Israel wants only its own solution, which benefits it. They have the United States as a travel companion and protector. The Israeli solution focuses on the division of the Palestinians, who are not Palestinians. The international community ' s proposal seems to us to be an unsolvable process.
Now they propose the solution of ‘two states’: ‘two states, two peoples’. In our view, there are only two solutions: The elimination of Israel or the recognition of the Israeli solution. Meanwhile, our only option is resistance, total resistance. We have invaded a State and have opted for resistance in a revolutionary process in the Arab world.
When we talk about Palestine, we don't just talk about the West Bank or Gaza, but we also talk about all the Palestinian refugees scattered around the world. Palestine is a project of all. We understand resistance as a national project for all Palestinians.
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