“The forecasts were not good and, therefore, we are quite satisfied with the outcome.” These are not statements by a pp member after hearing the results of the Sunday elections, but what I told a friend, when we met in San Sebastian about to see the latest films from the Official Section of Zinemaldia. In fact, the thing didn’t look particularly good at the beginning: just a well-known director, opened the competition La fille de Brest, a bad production of telefilme… But the first impressions and polls of election campaigns, like the previous ones, you can’t trust you; and you can’t make sure bets, because Zinemaldia is not like the votes of the Basque Autonomous Community, every year there are different actors.
It has already been a week when the films have put a little more fiction than the campaign and the awards have been given: The Golden Shell moves to China and Silver to the best actress, making Wo Bu Shi Pan Jinlian, director Xiaogang Feng, the great winner of this edition. It is a curious film that plays with the absurdity and, despite the shortcomings it may have – a final revelation that justifies everything – it is a worthy prize. The same cannot be said of the award to the best director: The film by South Korean Hong Sang-Soo gave a pathetic ending to the Official Section, with a history of couple relationships that was repetitive and boring. Only by his trajectory is the shell he has brought home, because it is not entirely the size of the work he has brought.
Two Spanish thriller, many other awards: unlike previous editions, those of the Iberian industry are quite fair, since the script of God forgive us is round and the Silver Shell to the best actress of Eduard Fernández, so we will have a nice can the neighbors of Hego Euskal Herria while we give the Goya prizes to the account of both productions.
Some of the works that have given the most disturbing views on current Western society are left out of Palmarés: Polish Plac Zabaw, Chilean Jesus and, above all, the nightmare of Bertrand Bonello have put the spectator before a violence that has no concrete explanation, evidencing the lack of opportunities offered by the capitalist lifestyle to young people. Although made for different purposes and with very different results, the pessimistic photographs made to the new generations deserve special attention, above all because they offer a counterpoint to the politicians who preach the end of violence in our country. There is an increasingly deep-seated violence in society, which passes without resonance to turn it into a spectacle, but which, as a result of social structuring, requires answers. And we've seen that in film, not in the campaign, not in the vow count.
Social film has been awarded by the public of the Zinemaldia, who has seen a hungry woman in the food bank opening a can of beans and eating live through the can. Yes, the public has awarded Daniel Blake, who bears the seal of British director Ken Loach to the whole, although... [+]
“Aurreikuspenak ez ziren batere onak eta, hori kontuan izanda, emaitzarekin nahiko kontentu gaude”. Ez dira PPko kide batek igandeko hauteskundeen emaitzak ezagutu ondoren egindako adierazpenak, lagun bati esan niona baizik, Zinemaldiko Sail Ofizialeko azken filmak... [+]
“Aurreikuspenak ez ziren batere onak eta, hori kontuan izanda, emaitzarekin nahiko kontentu gaude”. Ez dira PPko kide batek igandeko hauteskundeen emaitzak ezagutu ondoren egindako adierazpenak, lagun bati esan niona baizik, Zinemaldiko Sail Ofizialeko azken filmak... [+]
Zine soziala saritu dute aurten Zinemaldiko ikus-entzuleek, elikagai bankuan emakume bat, gosearen goseaz, babarrun lata bat irekitzen eta zuzenean latatik jaten ikusteak hunkitu egin gaituelako, hainbeste da horrelako eszena batek esan nahi duena.
Banatu dira 64. Donostiako Nazioarteko Zinemaldiko sari nagusiak. Larunbat gauean Kursaalean egindako ekitaldiak ikusmina sortu du. Saridunen merituei dagokienez, urtero bezala, zenbat buru, hainbat aburu.
Zientzia fikziozko istorioa izateak ez du esan nahi sinesgarria izan behar ez duenik, eta Denis Villeneuveren Arrival pseudozientifiko, pseudofantastiko, pseudotranszendentala bere burua serioegi hartzen duen eta inolaz ere sostengatzen ez den filma iruditu zaigu.
Sail Ofizialeko lehiaketan azkena, ez dio oso amaiera ona eman aurtengo edizioari.
Hiru istorio uztartuz, Ikari film japoniarrak susmoz beterik mantentzen du ikuslea filmak irauten duen bi ordu eta hogei minutuetan. Hiltzaile baten bilaketa abiapuntu duen lan honekin tematika ugari jorratu ditu Lee Sang-il zuzendariak.
1960ko hamarkadako AEBetan girotutako istorioa da Ewan McGregorrek zuzendutako American pastoral. Philip Rothen izen bereko nobelan oinarritua, konparazioan galtzen atera arren filmerako egokitzapena txukuna da.
Armeniar batek bere desira ezkutuenak betetzea nahi duenean, oihal zati bat zintzilikatzen du “nahien zuhaitzen” adarretatik. Juanmi Gutierrez zuzendari gipuzkoarrari tradizio horrek izenburu gisa balio izan dio bere azken dokumentalerako.
Berriz ere familia eta familiarteko harremanak dira Hirokazu Koreedaren After the storm filmaren oinarria; berriz ere tonu eta erritmo pausatuan kontatu digu istorioa; eta berriz ere, harrapatu egin gaitu zuzendari japoniarraren unibertsoak.
Narciso, La chica de la luz, Txintxorro, Puntu Itsua, Iraila, Los Angeles Observer, Kresala, Kutxa Beltza, La casa del frío, Testimonio, Bidexka eta La Ballena Real. Hamabi begiradaren bitartez Donostiaren erretratu bat egitea.
Sentimendu konplexuen gainean eraikia dago Jonás Truebaren La reconquista. Bi partetan banatua, lehenengoak lortzen du ikuslea protagonisten munduan sartzea tonu malenkoniatsu batekin; bigarrenak berriz, lehenago iradoki diren gauzak gehiegi esplikatzen ditu filma... [+]
Emiliano Torresek maila oneko debuta egin du zuzendari gisa Sail Ofizialean pasa duten El invierno filmarekin. Argentinako artzainen istorio hau Patagoniako paisaiak erabiltzen dituenean iristen da puntu gorenera.