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Jazz nights in Pamplona

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Jazz kontzertua eta Jam session irekia dugu gozagai, astearte gauetan (irailetik ekainera bitartean), Iruñeko Garazi tabernan.

It is Tuesday and Pamplona/Iruña does not have a great cultural offer for the night, as usual. There is a long way to go when every day rock and pop concerts could be heard because, they say, we have not known them. The people we work in the afternoon don't have too many problems listening to concerts in the evening during the week and drinking a couple of beers. So we said goodbye and we stayed for dinner in the old town. Today, jazz concerts start again at the Garazi bar, and we've decided to leave. Until last year, in addition to Tuesdays, you could listen to jazz music on Thursdays at the Infernu bar (both on Calderería Street), but this last session of Jam was suspended when the main participants left the city. It is not surprising that there are many jazz musicians in Pamplona, given that in the upper conservatory there are studies of this specialty (this is rare).

The format is always the same: first the concert and then the Jam session participative. The trio that today comes to the concert is not small: Alberto Arteta in the saxo, Kike Arza in the lower and Juanma Urriza in the Boli battery. They go up on stage and Arza starts to play with her contraband the quick drawings and motifs. When we thought it was an improvisation, the other two have come together. After finishing the first piece, they thanked the audience that approached (the bar is full) and explained that they were their own works, adding that they were encouraged to play without rehearsing. Testing or not, quality is extreme. Different structures are observed in the pieces, giving a great space to improvisation in all of them. The style is not classic, harmonies fool traditional hearing like mine at all times, and the truth is that it is much harder to hear than a jam session with jazz standards, but the musical ability of the performers gets the listener to dive into the concert, reaching something hypnotic in the case of the battery. After an hour, the concert has ended with the appreciation of the public.

After a while, Jam's session began. In general, conservatory students participate, but there are always musicians who have come from here or there. Many of the faces are known and do not miss the appointment every Tuesday. The bass (below today) is usually the base of battery and guitar, followed by keyboard and wind instruments. They all choose different standards (most of them are classic be-bops from the 1940s to the 1950s) and they touch the subject, each with a margin of improvisation on the chords of the subject, so that everyone ends up again with the subject. The world of improvisation has a miracle, even if you've heard the subject countless times, the lonely will always give you something new.

So, the night is long in this bar on Tuesday night. There are many factors he loves, for example, in a city as small as Pamplona, where modern music has never been of great importance, finding music and such musicians, always wanting to play. The scarce cultural offer that has been mentioned at the outset attaches great importance to everything there is, and furthermore, any phenomenon that has not been massified is always looked at differently. Music has these fascinating things.

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