You are brothers and two filmmakers who work together.
We have all worked together in the direction. We started with a short film, Our Bread, and we learned a lot from this work. Since we were young, we have had a special, nice relationship, and we believe that this is reflected in our work. We like similar things, and we feel the world in a similar way. Humor is also similar; for example, when Asier ETA and I record, we write off Aitor's voice to make us laugh.
Where is the balance between you?
We are brothers, but above all we are the sum of two great forces. Our work is born in contrast, mutual interest is a great engine in that sense. We have both been trained in the same theatre school in Madrid, but at the same time each one has developed his career in Ecuador (Amaia) and in Madrid (Aitor). Taking our gaze, it is not complete until one tells the other what one thinks. That is probably what makes us balance the situation and the strength that unites us both.
Patricio Guzmán says that distance to make movies is essential. Are you far away?
We think there are different planes in the movies regarding the topic of distance. In the film Asier ETA biok, Aitor was a character, an autobiographical story and, therefore, there was no way to get away from that material. At the same time, when you're making the movie, at some point, you have to step away from that character, forget that you're the one that comes out in the movie and treat it as a character. That's what gives you the distance and without that it's impossible to make a movie.
So does it take an intermediate distance?
In a way, yes. When you start working, there are different moments. At the beginning of the process, everything is intuitions, needs, feelings. You cannot get away, you do not understand what is happening and you are getting into it. But after a long time working with the material, it’s time to ask important questions and they give you the right distance: Why am I making this film? What's my plan? How do I make the story? In nonfiction movies that's very important, you have to be aware of the material you have and your possibilities.
The film Asier ETA biok has come a long way. Satisfying with the balance?
We take a very positive view, the film has been seen all over the world. Imagine, the last time we received the prize at an Indonesian film festival. We received an e-mail in the local language, and as a prize they gave us a hard drive [laughter]. It's a joy to know that over 30,000 people have seen the movie in movie theaters. But on the other hand, we have had problems with distribution; in Valencia or Seville there have been no occasions to see, in Madrid there have also been many problems, nor what to say on television... We have had problems on the subject, but in general the balance is satisfactory.
Now you are working in Fancy. What is the project?
We are in a first phase, at the beginning of creation. We're totally embedded in the material that we have, in the middle of a brainstorm. It's a movie about our parents. We've recorded many hours and we've met with a very intimate material and we've felt excited. It's a contrast film, one very tender face, the other very uncomfortable. Our question is whether it is now worth showing the intimacy of our parents or not. What do you teach this for? These are the questions that are at the moment in our head and that is where we are working.
Why documentary film?
We want to talk about what's going on in our environment, and we want to do it by mixing images and sounds and scenarios. We mainly know the tools of cinema, and we like cinema from the beginning to the end: photography, music, dramaturgy, characters and all that work to show it in the room. It's a very magical process for us. In recent works, for example, we want to tell the love of our parents or the special feelings that we will have in Asier; all of that we want to tell through the movies and not otherwise.
What do you think about film being made in Euskal Herria?
In Euskal Herria, as in many other places, there is a lack of film to do. Many stories are missing that reflect our problems and our reality. And in recent years, many films that were very necessary have not been made. Asier ETA biok realized that with the movie, that people needed to be reflected in the narratives.
“Asier ETA biok-en oinarrian kanpokoei kontatzeko beharra zegoen, biontzat. Nahiz eta pelikulan ez garen biok agertzen, Aitorren pertsonaian biak gaude, kanpoan bizi diren bi euskaldunen begirada dago. Euskaldunei kontatzea erabat ezberdina izango litzateke; politikoki pelikula oso oinarrizkoa da, minus bostetik hasi behar ginen kontatzen. Gure istorio bat da, kanpokoei kontatua”.
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