Bilgune Feminist from Euskal Herria wants to put into practice the idea that feminism has developed for years. Overcome and complete the suffering caused in people by patriarchy, imperialism, racism, neoliberalism... by focusing on the wounds suffered by bodies.
The feminists of South America have begun the path to the project from the feminist healing they claim. The experience of the agents of these countries has been very useful to them.
“Just as we are willing to transform oppressive systems, it is necessary to bring about personal and collective change,” said Epelde. It refers to the political, social, emotional and physical impact: “We believe that there are also spaces to promote political and social groups, free, whole and sovereign people.” Militancy and
Edurne Epelde,
Bilgune Feminist:
“Even in the fight, anything is interrupted. We must provide our minds and bodies with spaces for pleasure and rest.”
They understand them as an experience, strength, empowerment and way of constitution, and not as something that easily “burns” people. “Even in the fight, anything is interrupted. We have to give our minds and bodies spaces for pleasure and rest.” In short, they say that this is a practical attempt to turn the demands into experiences, to give the change in two directions: individual and collective.
To this end, they have proposed eleven ways, “because self-management of health encompasses all areas”. From emotions, food sovereignty, use of time, art and creation, sexuality and pleasure are preparing materials that will be based on various disciplines: yoga, taichi, healthy eating, biodance, music therapy, emotional work, meditation...
They are being organized taking into account personal and ancestral knowledge (grandparents' advice, medicinal herbs...). Recently, all this has been put into practice in a stay: “We have cared for food, sleep, affectivity, complicity... We have had workshops and debates and we have put some ideas into practice; for example, making more room for the body in meetings.”
At the moment they work in the heart of Bilgune Feminista, but have as their objective to share it with the agents of Euskal Herria: “This is a people that has suffered a lot. The wounds that have left the suffering must be healed.”
Lehen itzulitik bigarrenera, auzapezgotzara jauzi egin zuen Ramuntxo Labat-Aramendi abertzalearen zerrendak. Erdiespena "xinaurri lanari esker" egin zela uste du Labat-Aramendik. Ahetzen zerrendak bozen %44,39 lortu zuen urtarrilaren 12an eginiko behin betiko bozketan... [+]