In Castilla-La Mancha we have been known in recent months Seseña and Chiloeches, but if we take a look at the newspaper library, we will find that in the Spanish State the waste treatment or recycling plants have burned dozens of times.
On the BlogSOStenible portal they have taken part in the list of some of them and have come to count 50 in one day. The fire originated twice in Riba-Roja and Alzira (Valencia) and other plants in Seville, Pontevedra and Madrid.
The list includes two plants burnt in Navarre last year: One in Andosilla – the one of Rinacon Gestión S.L. carrying out the transport and treatment of waste – and another in Murillo el Fruit – Indurgarbi’s handling of used tyres.
But there is more casos.En the web of this medium we inform you of another fire that took place on April 25 near Araia in Álava: In Sertego Intervesases they dealt with industrial boats, fires burned factories and most of the workers stayed on the street.
It is clear that, in most cases, the hydrocarbon compound has its risks. But according to BlogSOStenible, the probability of so many “accidentally” fires is impossible. “What hidden reasons are behind it? Receive subsidies? Charging insurance companies? Perhaps the business is based on the collection and photo with politicians, and not on real recycling?” they say.
Chiloech stored 20,000 tons of hazardous waste without authorization, as treating as “inert” was cheaper for the empresa.El five-year period on the left. El Diagonal has published that with the crisis there has been a multiplication of the lack of controls and mafias on this type of plant, with the public institutions responsible for this: “Although they are obliged to do so, they behave with forbearance,” explained José Ramón Becerra, member of Equo Euskadi.
On the other hand, in recent years, there have been many suspicions of the company Ecoembes. It is a non-profit company created twenty years ago for the management of ships and has brands such as Coca-Cola or Danone, among others. Ecoembes has the monopoly of the Spanish State in this matter.
The catastrophic data provided by Eurostat for Spain – it is estimated that only 20% is recycled and 10% are composted – indicate that there is a great deal in the collection and recycling system of Ecoembes.
In other countries, in exchange for leaving the employed boat, money is returned to the individual. In the Spanish State, however, the consumer pays the ship and pays it back. And they translate it into an aromatic polycyclic or dioxin, because of a mysterious combustion.
The City Hall of Donostia-San Sebastián announced at last Thursday’s plenary session that it will increase the waste rate by 26.5% from January 2025, claiming that Waste Law 7/2022 obliges this. Eguzki, for its part, has denounced that the law only applies in terms of costs,... [+]
August is the holiday month for many people, including those who rule. And yet it is common to take advantage of the month of August to deal with some issues without much noise, albeit of great importance.
This is what is happening with the project to centralize sludge... [+]