Emanaldia: Zoo taldearen kontzertua.
Udan, Baxenabarreko borda batean.
The Zoo group released its first album this year. So far, we have seen the three musicians of the group with other formations (Izate, M.A.K, 466…).
To start the concert, thanks to the help of some journalists, the public has called the concert hall, inviting them to enter the herd. After a short presentation of the group's universe, we've been given the song Makaka.
Mix in battery between Bixente, squirrel and a desert animal; jumping from a low timbal to a box, but with heavy and heavy rhythms.
In the bass, Peio, the polar bear oyster; the guy is full of energy and sometimes raises the head of the bass to address his fellow cattle.
The dark harmonies of the raw and low percussion element create a rather trivial atmosphere (I don’t like the word “tribal”, but I just found it…). A wild march of elephants!
In the voice, Jon, half crocodile, half Marchito. It rains above all, spreading to the public scene.
We have not seen anything like this for a long time. The fact of not having a guitar does not create a shortage, but rather sharpens precisely the attention to events. The guitar's error brings to light the musical information of the band. The harmonies brought in the lower are enough to create a concrete and singular universe. In addition, the gap left by the guitar leaves room for the drums and voices.
All members of the group cry out: Flight from a ducks band!
At the concert we have heard the songs of the album: Cabales, Axeria, Gusanos and others...
They have also made a version of the dut group (like most concert groups I've seen this summer! ). The members of the zoo group have given us the song Aizkorak zorroztu. A version that has quite naturally passed between his songs, such as a boar curled in the pig’s trope.
The revenge of animals ends with singing. Start with brooms on the battery and on the bass with a nice melody. Half a song, half a story, the song starts slowly, on the road to gathering more and more forces, like a leopard disc of junk.
The song chasing the antelope has been the subject of a violent and profound end.
I looked with great pleasure (I am and I found it a bit long).
Zoo makes fair and raw music and defends himself skillfully on the scene. So far we have had few opportunities to see them, but be attentive to the upcoming concerts… the cages are open!
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