On 22 July 1962, Mariner 1 was launched. The $18.5 million (present $500-600 million) project of the time was destined for Venus, but the flight lasted only 294.5 seconds. Those responsible for NASA decided to destroy the ship, because the rocket did not respond correctly to the requirements of the terrestrial systems.
Although the explanations of defeat are ambiguous and often contradictory, three reports from 1962, 1963 and 1985 agree that it was the result of a small error in the programming data: a script was missing. Arthur C. The well-known science fiction writer Clarke said it was "the most expensive script ever."
James Webb teleskopioaren lehen irudiak eta datuak aurkeztu dituzte: unibertsoari inoiz ateratako argazkirik sakonenak eta exoplaneta baten espektroskopia-datu zehatzenak. “Kosmosaren ikuspegi berri eta iraultzaile bat”, Bill Nelson NASAko administratzailearen... [+]