In the 1994 genocide, almost one million Rwandese died and three million fled the country. The sincere work of journalist Tim Lewis is part of that tragic event. He narrates the role played by the bicycle in Rwanda after the war that wanted to start a new life, uniting the pedalads of coffee producers with those of Adrien Niyonshu, who reaches the professionals.
The editorial Libros de Ruta has published the book, which under the direction of Eneko Garate has become a reference for travel, literature and especially for bicycle lovers. They have published half a dozen works, but hundreds more can be found in the Internet catalog: Jacques Anquetil in Basque, Ipar gazi sureza dulce and Han gainean itsasoa in the web section.
Ruanda: La tierra de las
segundas oportunidades
Tim lewis
Libros de Ruta, 2015
304 orri
Year of War, year of lie!
That is what the phrase says, and that is what reality confirms.
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