Blood is needed to constantly renew and remember the value of trees! That is how we are. We'll have a huge forehead and a very broad liver ... Not to mention thickness of the skin.
The bark has also wilted, almost completely, to a giant tree. A friend has given me the news with a very nice rage: the tragedy has taken place in the village of Monteux, in the department of Vauclus. One of the largest bananas in France, one of the largest, has died. It is a typical banana, Platanus x Hispanica, which according to the February measurement of this year had a waist of 8.23 meters, measured as usual, 1.3 meters from the ground.
The common banana is one of those trees that grow big if you give it peace ... Most are judged, beheaded, bounded and cut. Bananas, which are now so widespread, are the result of the alleged hybridization or mixing of two bananas. Platanus orientalis from Europe and Asia and Platanus occidentalis from America were mixed in Spain in the seventeenth century, when they were found... Hence the name of Platanus x hispanica. This intermediate “x” indicates that Platanus is a mixture of two species within the genus and the Hispanic word goes without saying. Since then, the common banana has been very abundant in urban areas around the world. The selfish English refuse to accept their Hispanidad and call Platanus x acerifolia to say he was wrong in London. All right!
Back to the old grandmother who died in Monteux, she is said not to have died at all. We are not talking about these animals, but we can talk about plants like this, calmly. Plants have to grow to live, unintentionally. And this banana has no value in providing you with new outbreaks or leaves. He believes he's trapped by the killer disease, and not being able to control it, he can't turn around for the last few days, poor grandmother. Apparently, Ceratocystis platani was affected by the disease known as the “red banana chancre”. This disease has no cure, as it kills the banana that reaches it in the space of six to eight years. He has killed thousands and thousands in France. In 2009 it was found in the Basque Country and the time has come for it to spread and spread. I didn't find it. But it's scary. Due to anthroposis (Apiognomonia veneta), our bananas are weaker, this year worse than ever. It seems to me that the chancre, in addition to the first, would easily kill him.
Mendi sindikataren lurretan, Anauzen Munhoako mazelan, hiru hektareetan 300 bat arbol, mota desberdinetakoak ezarriko dira. Ihizi batasunaren biltzar nagusian aho batez bozkatua izan den proiektua da.
Sahara basarmortuaren hegoaldean, Ténéréko eskualdean, akazia batek iraun zuen urte luzez, 400 kilometroko inguruan beste zuhaitzik ez zuela. Zein zen sekretua? Akuifero bat eta inguruko nomadentzat tabua izatea, horra erantzuna. Harik eta kamioi batek... [+]
I've written it before about him, but plants wouldn't bored him. Instead of getting bored, they come back. Recently it happened to me at the door of my house: to go out and search for firewood and “what does that tree have?”
At the back of the house I have put a collection of... [+]
Gernikako bonbardaketaren urteurrenaren biharamunetan Hiroshimako alkate Kazumi Katsui eta Iñigo Urkullu lehendakaria ikusi ditugu pala eskuan zuhaitz aldaxka aldatzen Bizkaiko juntetxearen ondoan. Bakearen aldeko eta gerrako sufrimenduaren kontrako mezu sinbolikoa.
If you are going to Lisbon, do not leave without visiting Basilica da Estrela. Without the need to access the same basilica, pay a barbarity and climb the 114 steps of the spiral staircase that has attached to the exterior. The whole Basilica is a large terrace, without a roof... [+]
When we become aware of the sensitivity and intelligence of plants, we will look at them differently. In the meantime, we have to work hard on that road and on cleaning.
The consequences of our ignorance and division are the most suffered by the trees of the cities. In the... [+]