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Gipuzkoa Zutik stretches from village to village

  • On 29 May, following the human chain called by the anti-incineration movement in Donostia, Gipuzkoa Zutik concentrated in Gipuzkoa Square. Under the symbol of the incinerator, they proposed to rethink the life model itself, addressing the issues in a unified way. The phase change was agreed in the Assembly on 23 June: Leave the San Sebastian camp format and create the Zutik assemblies and dynamics of each village. By then Debagoiena Zutik, Oiartzun Zutik, Orereta Zutik had already been formed... Since then, more than 20 localities have met in 10 assemblies in Zutik (some of which are grouped by counties) and have carried out numerous actions. It will continue to break during the summer and autumn is expected to return to hot weather.
Maskarillak eta koloretako oihala bihurtu dira denen sinbolo, aldaera anitzekin.

One of the pillars of Gipuzkoa Zutik has been the convening of public assemblies and, at every moment, the citizens who have made their decisions. At the first assembly it was agreed as follows: “No one forces or restricts anyone.” This has meant, on a broad basis, autonomous operation. Consistent with these bases, calls for assemblies have been created in each people. Most of the convoys have participated in the Gipuzkoa Zutik that was set up in Donostia-San Sebastián, some in a couple of assemblies, others in the camp. Each people decides what to do at every moment, what issues to address in their village and maintain the same symbol (incinerator) or choose another to work the life model.

The village phase has led to the multiplication of Gipuzkoa Zutik in participation: 100 people are gathered in the assemblies in the large villages (Tolosa) and valleys (Buruntzaldea, Debagoiena). In the smaller villages, between 20 and 40 members meet. And the influence of Gipuzkoa Zutik reaches many more citizens directly, as each one is on the street of their town with assemblies and activities. It has also meant and will bring with it further enriching the experience, the diversity of ways that each people takes.

Although it is very general, after talking to the members of each people, we dare to say that youth predominates in the assemblies, but all of them also involve veteran groups (between 40 and 60 years old). This cooperation is very positive between them. They say that in the villages and valleys there has also been the assistance of people who had not mobilized before and who are creating relations "above the usual crew".

On these pages we have tried to gather the main ideas of each people. We apologize to the villages and valleys we haven't heard of, and we invite you to send them to us:

Anoeta Zutik: Encamp in July

The first assembly was held on 2 July, and on 11 July it was agreed to begin the camp: “It depends on the will and the will of the people, and you will see what lasts,” they say.

Orereta Zutik: Objective holidays

Orereta meets in Pie from one moment to the next. So far, the forces have concentrated on the preparation of what they will do in the Madalenas, beginning on 21 July. They have chosen the first day of the festivities and the Day of the Quadrillas, to launch banners and activities. The theater is also working: With Marierrauskiñe they will make a guided tour of the village.

Oiartzun Zutik: Neighborhood to neighborhood

On 20 June, it held its first assembly and has since maintained its weekly pace. On the weekend of July 1, they camped at the festivities of San Pedro in the Altzibar district. It is expected that during the summer they will continue with this path, which will bring from neighborhood to neighborhood the cry for life, taking advantage of the festivities. In the Altzibar camp the river was cleaned, opening the way to positive direct actions.

Zumaia Standing: be informed

At the end of June the assembly began and on 2 July the first action was taken denouncing the impact of the incinerator on health: citizens of all ages remained on the ground, masks in the mouth, with the incinerator in the center. The aim is to inform the public about the aspects related to the incinerator project, and the next topic to be addressed will be that of the economy and recycling. To do this, different formats are being studied: exhibition, travelling information point, street talks... they also have the possibility of camping at the end of August.

Buruntzaldea Zutik: focus of actions

These are six municipalities (Usurbil, Lasarte-Oria, Hernani, Urnieta, Andoain and Astigarraga). They have decided to maintain the weekly dynamic, alternating one week with the assembly and another with the activity. They have agreed that the assembly should be held on a regular basis in a people, and that it should be the people who organize it. The next general meeting will be held on 19 July in Usurbil at 19:00.

Debagoiena Zutik: meeting in September

It was the first town to camp (bringing 400 people together in the rally), while Gipuzkoa Zutik was still in Donostia-San Sebastián. In this way, they contributed to the expansion of the phase of access to peoples. Seven peoples of Debagoiena join in it. In summer each village will work with the banners at the festivities of its people and on Saturday 3 September the assembly of Debagoiena Zutik will be reconvened: Opposite the Commonwealth at 10:00.

Tolosa Zutik: defining the actions

Tolosa has also kept its weekly pace. From the first assembly, members of the surrounding peoples have also gathered, which is why it is being studied whether the name of Tolosa or Tolosaldea is the most appropriate, but always on the basis of horizontal relations: with the groups that can be created in the surrounding villages, among others. Actions are also being defined.

Azkoiti Zutik: a detainee in the first act

At the end of June, they convened the first assembly and on 2 July, when the Open Boards of Gipuzkoa met in Azkoitia, they held a musical rally. A citizen has been arrested by the Ertzaintza and the speedy trial will be held on 19 July in Bilbao.

Azpeiti Zutik: first steps

The assembly meets every Thursday at 19:00 in the town square. What is Azpeitia Zutik and what activities are to be carried out are being finalised. A concentration of revulsion will also be called in the trial against the deceased tanker member in Azkoitia.

In Zarautz, Standing in the previous works

A number of meetings have been held and various activities have been carried out: the distribution of information sheets and hugs in Malekoia: incineration yes or no, for each to decide what he embraces. These actions have also been signed on behalf of Zutik in Zarautz. Work is under way on how to convene the first open assembly and how to convene it, how to explain it (which would be Zarautz Zutik).

Ekainaren 29an Bulebarrean egin zen asanbladan erabaki zen udako martxa:

· Bi asanblada orokor egingo dira, hileko azken ostegunetan (uztailaren 28an eta abuztuaren 25ean), Bulebarrean, 19:00etan. Uztailaren 28an 18:00etan ekintza kolektibo bat egingo da, asanbladaren aurretik.
· Irailean Gipuzkoa Zutik asteburu-pasa egingo da (herri guztiak elkartuta).

Lau lantalde martxan jartzea ere erabaki zen:

· Ekintza zuzenen lantaldea: asteazkenetan 18:00etan Bulebarrean biltzen da.
· Diru-iturrien lantaldea: uztailaren 12an 19:00etan Bulebarrean bilduko da. Ekarpena egiteko kontu korronte zenbaki hau zabaldu dute (Laborala) ES52 3035 0075 41 0750057088.
· Iraileko asteburu-pasa antolatzeko lantaldea: uztailaren 12an 19:00etan Bulebarrean bilduko da.
· Komunikazio lantaldea: parte hartu nahi duenak emaila bidali dezake
· Sistematizazio lantaldea: Gipuzkoa Zutiken Donostiako kanpaldi garaiaren gakoak identifikatu eta publiko jarriko ditu, beste esperientzientzako baliagarri izan daitezkeelakoan. Uztailaren 19an, 17:00etan Easo Plazan batuko da.


· Twitter kontua dute: @GipuzkoaZutik @Zarautzenezutik @AzkoitiaZutik @TolosaZutik @DebagoienaZutik @Buruntzazutik.
· Facebooken orria dute: Gipuzkoa Zutik, Tolosa Zutik, Buruntzaldea Zutik,  Debagoiena Zutik.
· asanblada eta ekintzen deialdi guztiak bateratuta eta eguneratuta dituzu Gipuzkoa Zutik: deialdiak albistean. Horrez gain, kanalean irakurri ahal izango dituzu herri bakoitzeko aktualitatearen kronikak.
· Informazioa bidaltzeko deia: Asanbladen eta ekintzen deialdiak Gipuzkoa Zutikeko komunikazio lantaldeari bidaltzeko eskatu zuen Gipuzkoa Zutiken ekainaren 29ko asanbladak. Hauxe du helbide elektronikoa: ARGIAra ere bidaliz gero, oso gustura zabalduko dugu bere berri:

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