Subai Hill has received the Rikardo Arrangi Grand Prix for his interviews in ARGIA. Amagoia Gurrutxaga has been awarded the Special Prize for the biography of the interview in Kristiane Etxaluzi Jakin magazine. And Unai Oiartzun has earned the New Journalist Award, with a selection of reports from Irunero magazine. In the photo, the winners bear the symbol of Laka, the Vice-Minister of Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government Patxi Baztarrika and the Mayor of Andoain Ana Karrere.
The grand prize-winner made his speech in verse. Casting questions that would ask yourself (acute, such as those of Hill):
What do you
think about prizes?
How many euros does the
bank have per week?
Enter your name for
curiosity on Google?
Are you the same in
Istanbul, Bilbao and Urepel?
Do you greet him
if a beggar goes over here?
Why don't you have a blog,
or a twitter, or a facebook?
What do you see the world lying
down or Gipuzkoa Zutik?Are
you prepared to mix the cards as much as
you are at your hand?
Are you afraid of the laws?
Fish or meat?
When do you think you should remove
the Gazte-txartela?
What do you think of bulls?
Sweden or Venezuela?
After death, who and where does the
cuff put on you?
Do you envy the situation of
the Catalans?
a cleaner come from outside to your home?
If so, does the end have
one point or three?
Do you answer
your questions?
This year’s Rikardo Arrangi Awards have honoured ten communication projects that marked the milestone in Basque journalism. Among them, former director of Anaitasuna magazine, Angel Zelaieta, who was my dad. He received the hand prize from Begoña Arrangi, a very exciting... [+]
Andoaingo Udalak deitzen dituen Rikardo Arregi kazetaritza sariak banatu dituzte larunbatean. Kulturrizketak telebista saioak jaso du sari nagusia eta Kixoteneak erreportaje ilustratuen liburuak aipamen berezia.
Sari Nagusia jaso duten lanak ARGIAko elkarrizketak izan dira (Aiurrik grabatutako bideoan Colinaren bertsoak ikusentzungai). Kristiane Etxaluzi Jakinen eginiko elkarrizketa-biografiak jaso du Sari Berezia. Eta Irunero udal aldizkariko erreportaje sortagatik hautatua izan da... [+]
Julen Iriondo Martinez de Zuazok jaso du euskarazko kazetaritzaren XXVII. Rikardo Arregi sari nagusia eta Samara Veltek kazetari gaztearena. Mikel Ibargoien eta Iñigo Astitzen lanek sari berezia izan dute.