“Walking through the Washington DC National Mall, between the obelisk and the Washington Monument, a stone lifter suddenly appears. Then you see some men playing shovel in the pediment; beyond, some guys with paddles and traineras, some women weaving fishing nets, there is a real farmhouse recently built… The surprise tide and squeeze the heat; in a corner they offer pintxos, txakoli and idiazabal cheese to taste and sweat a little more. Euskadi is the first region in southern Europe to have been invited to the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.” The first paragraph of the chronicle published last Thursday by journalist Jordi Barbeta in the Catalan newspaper La Vanguardia described the cultural offer that the Basque Autonomous Community has brought to the United States as a costumbrista painting of the 19th century.
The place that the Smithsonian festival has given to the Basque theme has also sparked some debate in the Basque Country. The criticisms have been of two kinds: This year Oier Araolaza has published an article on Dantzan’s website at the Smithsonian Folklife festival in which he disclaims his folklore. As he criticized, all the themes of the Basque tradition that appear in the programme have been joined by words such as "new", "modern" or "contemporary", unlike other invited cultures. “The Japanese don’t have to prove to anyone that they are a people of the 21st century and are not claiming innovations, modern, etc. For example, they will offer the event ‘Japanese Buddhist Festival Traditions’.
From another point of view, Bah-Ahal Dugu has also shown his discrepancies with the image of the Basque culture that the authorities have taken. They refused to send a representation to the festival and through a note they explained that they see with concern “the stereotyped and homogeneous image that can be disseminated about the Basque culture”. In addition, they have denounced that while the budgets for culture are being cut, the institutions maintain their “commitment to gigantic and solemn acts” and “that culture is used to bring economic benefit or attract tourism”, leaving “outside photography” expressions that do not serve this function.
In 2018 Catalonia has been invited to Smithsonian. In statements to La Vanguardia, the conseller of Culture of the Generalitat, Santi Vila, has stated that the use of culture for tourism purposes is "undeniable". But anyone who knows how to read between the lines will understand his view of what the Basque institutions have brought to the United States. “Very interesting” has seemed to him the programming of the Euskotarras, but he has made it clear: “Our exposure criteria will look more to the future than to the past.”
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If you're a musical follower, Rodrigo Cuevas will sound to you. She has been invited in our lands during the Bilbao Big Week, in the recently completed Atlantikaldia in the Enmusikadas and Orereta de Pamplona, and the Pilgrimage has sung and danced the turn to her large fan... [+]
Herri musikari eskaini dio bizitza osoa Juan Mari Beltranek (Donostia, 1947); biltzen, sortzen eta zabaltzen. Haurtzaroan, Etxarri Aranatzen, heldu zien lehenengo musika tresnei eta familiarekin Donostiara mugituta hasi zen han eta hemen txistua astintzen. Dantza taldeetan... [+]
Euskal herri kulturari ekarpen handia egin zion Gurutzi Arregi Azpeitia (Lemoa 1936, Zornotza 2020) etnografoa asteazken goizaldean hil da 84 urterekin. Besteak beste, Euskal Herriko Atlas Etnografikoaren koordinatzaile izan zen. Durangoko kultur mugimenduetan ere... [+]
The French Ministry of Culture will test the Pass Culture device in five departments: It is aimed at 10,000 people aged 18, and has a virtual endowment of 500 euros each, which can use for a year, consume culture and through an application in exhibitions, cinema tickets, books... [+]
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Betidanik entzun dut Urruñan izan zela ditxolari handi bat, adineko herritarren oroitzapenetan ongi atxikia dena. Xanpun bertsolaria ere harekin trebatu omen zen errima kontuetan. Tamalez, nehon ez dut deus idatzirik topatu gizon honetaz. Hori dela eta, ezker-eskuin... [+]
Orain hamar urte Euskal Herrian ez zen Halloween ia-ospatzen. Domu Santu eguna bai, Arimen gaua toki gutxi batzuetan ere bai. Baina Halloween filmeetako eta telebistako kontu amerikarra zelakoan lasai egiten genuen lo Domu Santu Egunaren inguruan. 2007ko urrian Bilbon,... [+]
The powerful Smithsonian Foundation has dedicated the Basque Culture to the great folkloric festival in Washington, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. The debate has been whether the Basque representation has been too folkloric or just the opposite, whether it has... [+]
Asteazkenean hasi zen AEBetan Smithsonian Folklife jaialdia, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa gonbidatu nagusien artean duela. Euskal erakundeek proiektatu duten irudiak eztabaida eragin ostean jakin da 2018an Katalunia izango dela herrialde gonbidatua.
Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko Podemos-Ahal Dugu ez da Smithsonian Folklife Festivalean izango. Washingtonen, AEBetako hiriburuan ospatuko da jaialdia asteazkenetik aurrera, eta Jaurlaritzak eta Aldundiek gonbidatu zuten alderdi morea, gainontzeko partiduekin batera.