If, in the field of British politicians, the European Union's exit referendum was promoted by the right, the result has caused the first serious breakdowns on the left. The most neoliberal members of the Labour Party, led by the elected parliamentarians along the lines of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, organised a coup the same day as Jeremy Corbyn, an old and new leader who won 60% of the votes at the last congress.
As with a prepared score, more than half of the members of Corbyn’s prestigious government – the opposition works this way in London – resigned separately, hanging raw delivery letters on the Internet, and then the Labour parliamentarians put the leader in a vote of confidence. In return, the 2015 Congress scientifically mobilized Labour militants who gained leadership against the party apparatus in favor of Corbyn.
Michael Chessum writes in The New Statesman: “Corbyn has just made one petto: he had to tie the Labour Party more closely. (…) The only argument to stop Brexit is that austerity and neoliberalism are the ones that have really brought homelessness, low wages and the deterioration of public services, which is not a thing of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants. Corbyn’s main mistake was that control of the Labour Party’s campaign was not taken more rigorously from the outset, even if it had done so it would have been equally reproached.”
But those are things from the day before the earthquake. Jeremy Corbyn cannot survive this situation, despite the mobilisation of much of the Labour Party. Most individuals, including Thomas Pikkety himself, have escaped or shot him from public office. Corbyn, who brought a new wind to the Labour Party, has assured that he will not go home leaving the works halfway. But surely now the work that's going to end is very different. Managing the transition - if not a historical division - of adapting the Labour Party to the new situation.
As the Conservative Party has to manage theirs: Who is going to negotiate the new status with the EU from the right? Boris Johnson, who most excited many conservative voters to vote for Leave, has refused to do so. Some say they know that in no way can they deliver on the promises they were told during the campaign, because they were impossible or simply lies. In the view of others, Michael Gov, who was involved in the operation, has had a cold life and has been ahead of the prime ministers.
And as the day of the referendum moves away, the emptiness, the lack of control felt in the political structures of Britain is becoming more and more evident. Growing concern among the citizens, with leaders of the two major parties involved in tactical struggles around the parts of power and without the smell of a clean leader. The transition is going to be tough.
Europako Batasuna 1993an sortu zenetik kide berriak gehitu dira bata bestearen atzetik. Joan den ostiralera arte 28 estatuk osatu dute makro-egitura politiko eta ekonomiko hori. Izan ere, urtarrilaren 31 historiara pasako da, EBk izan duen lehen zatiketaren eguna izan delako... [+]
Otsailaren lehenean bereizi dira Erresuma Batua eta Europar Batasuna.
Brexita gauzatzeko aukera eskura du Lehen Ministro eskuindar Boris Johnsonek, Alderdi Kontserbadoreak gehiengo absolutua lortu ostean. Alderdi Laboristak 85 urtean izan duen emaitzarik eskasena eskuratu du. Eskoziako Alderdi Nazionala da hirugarren indarra Erresuma Batuko... [+]
Luzapen berria Brexitaren partida luzean: Europar Batasunak data berri bat onartu dio Britainia Handiari haren egituretatik ateratze baldintzak zehazteko, 2020ko urriaren 31. Bi aldeek adostasun osoa lehenago lortuko balute, britainiarrek balukete lehenago joateko aukera. Aldi... [+]
Erresuma Batuko Komunen Ganberak bigarren irakurraldian onartu du Boris Johnsonen eta EBren arteko irteera negoziaturako akordio berria, aldeko 329 botorekin eta kontrako 299rekin. Berehala, atzera bota du Gobernuaren mozio bat (308-322), ondorengo epeak laburtzeko eta hiru... [+]
Lehen ministro britainiarrak, Boris Johnsonek, aurreratu eta ondoren Jean-Claude Juncker Europako Batzordearen buruak berretsi duenez, Erresuma Batuaren gobernua eta Europar Batasunarena heldu dira Brexitaren inguruan ados jartzera. Ituna, indarrean jar dadin, Erresuma Batuko... [+]
Laboristek proposatu duten lege-proiektua onartu du Komunen Ganbarak, eta Brexit-a adostasunez egitea behartuko du Johnson. Hauteskundeak ez aurreratzea ere lortu du oposizioak.
Alderdi laborista buru duen oposizioak Brexit gogorra ekiditeko lege-proiektua onartu du; asteazkenean hasiko da lege-proiektuaren gaineko eztabaida Komunen Ganbaran.
Parlamentuaren prorrogaren jokaldi agerian populistarekin Johnsonek lortu nahi du legebiltzarrean gehiengoa eskuratzea.
Ingalaterrako Elizabeth II.aren baimenaz parlamentuaren agenda legegilea bost astez atzeratzea lortu du Boris Johnsonek. Erabaki honek parlamentuak Brexit-ean eragin gutxiago izatea egingo luke.
Abuztuko beroan, oporraldian harrapatu ditu Europako agintari politiko ugari, kezkatzeko moduko albiste ekonomikoak: Alemania atzeraldian sartzeko zorian dago. “Saihestu dezakegu, neurri egokiak hartuz gero”, esan zuen Peter Altmier ekonomia ministro alemaniarrak... [+]
Independentziari buruzko lehenengo erreferendumetik bost urte pasa direnean, bigarren galdeketa bat iragarri du Nicola Sturgeon Eskoziako lehen ministroak, bi urteko epean deituko litzatekeena. Brexitaren ostean, asmoa da herritarrei galdetzea Erresuma Batuaren baitan Europar... [+]
Londresko Gobernuak eta Europar Batasunak Brexiteko akordioan negoziaturiko azken aldaketek ez dituzte konbentzitu Erresuma Batuko parlamentuko diputatuak. Gehiengoak proposamenaren aurka bozkatu du oraingoan ere, irteera data martxoaren 29rako aurreikusita dagoenean.