Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Another four complicated years come

The great blue of the Spanish State has left the future black, that is the main conclusion that can be drawn from the general elections on Sunday. The last four years of pp have been black from a social and progressive point of view, and the same trend will be noticed in the next four years. The numbers of the government composition are still complicated in Madrid, but this second round has made things clearer and, although mathematically possible, it is very difficult to imagine an alternative government to pp.

The government of the Grand Coalition has also lost strength at the time the PSOE is engaged and pp continues to rise. The most logical result is that the PSOE abstains and leaves pp the key of the Moncloa to rule in a minority. Chaos will now be more difficult than with an absolute majority, and on many social issues it will perhaps not be as brutal as in the previous legislature, but on the basic issues – economy, territorial organisation, the European Union – it will have sufficient support from Citizens and the PSOE.

In this black Spain, two points once again stand out, Catalonia and Hego Euskal Herria, but not as usual. If this has always been from a nationalist point of view, this time the United Podemos (EAD) has won, a political force that brings the logic of the state to the heart. For example, the one who draws the old glasses from Basque politics will say that the “Spanish vow” has been imposed; the new glasses will stress that it is the force in favor of the right to decide of Euskal Herria.

In any case, in Madrid the majority Basque voice is that of the United Podemos, which symbolically represents an important blow to the PNV, which tends to seize this voice. The look is nailed last December, but from the historical point of view the result of the DDA is extraordinary, since the achievement of spectacular results in Hego Euskal Herria is a very unusual phenomenon, although it cannot be denied that the result obtained by the new force in Spain obscures the success here, as is normal in a force with statalist logic. And yet, the victory remains huge: The first force in the CAV in votes and seats (in Bizkaia ahead of the PNV!) and the second in Navarra, near UPN. In 2011, no one could have imagined it.

We could have been key to the government of change in Navarre, and it is now its main support. However, from the perspective of change, the results have left hard images in Navarra: UPN-PP, PSN and C’s have results similar to those of December (2,000 more votes now), but 40,000 more votes than the forces supporting the government of change.

EH Bildu hasn't lost much in the old kingdom, but getting 3,000 fewer votes for someone with a seat in the head is disappointing. Let us not say anything for Geroa Bai, who has lost half of the votes; it is clear that these are not times for philosophies. All right, you can't compare the kind of choices, but the numbers are there to make the readings you want. The Government of Change has been left with a hard picture: The party of President Uxue Barkos obtained 4.28% of the votes. It will not be easy to find a government president who has the same support as his party.

Many splinters can be drawn from these elections, but it is worth focusing on EH Bildu, who is still the big loser. I had hoped to start leaving the grave port of December last year, but that has not been the case. Neither the greater social focus, nor the changes in the candidacy, nor Abian, nor Arnaldo Otegi, has prevented the black hole from being further engulfed: it has again lost 35,000 votes (in 2011 it won 333,000, in December 219,000 and now 184,000). Voting in the Basque Parliament elections tends to have another tendency, but it cannot be denied that a trend such as that of EH Bildu is very dangerous for the future of any party.

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