Visitors were able to taste the seasonal products that approached the Ekonekazaritza Experimental Farm in Karabeleko on 16th. Jakoba Errekondo, in collaboration with eight Basque cartoonists and ARGIA, have found the right place to start the presentation of the book ‘Altza Porru’, which has been published between basil and tomato plants, to get into the subject as it has come. This second book is part of the Bizi Baratzea project, which allows knowing from image and humor what is related to the earth.
ARGIA journalist Urko Apaolaza, Maialen Lujanbio, has taken the floor after a brief explanation and told us about the foreword written in the book. The street. I've seen myself in this situation, and I've been able to have made a dwarf smile on the elders of the Blue Tomato Command, as I was going through the dictionary that I had ever heard from my grandmother.
Idoia Torregarai has been charged with presenting Jakoba Errekondo, a young woman who, being a landscape, knows better than many, in her field, in the natural state.
Jakoba itself has been in charge of giving the most in-depth review of the work in public. Errekondo has written texts mixing comics made by cartoonists on themes such as the moon, expressions in Basque, the design of the garden or the insult to plants and the earth.
Comic book artists have had to do three exercises in the book. On the one hand, they have created a story about the garden on the free subject; on the other, they have taken the questions and answers Jakoba receives on the radio and each one has drawn a question/answer; and on the third exercise they have given it the name of Defioka, the style of the bertsos jailer. In Karabeleku, Ainara Azpiazu “Axpi”, Joseba Larratxe, Antton Olariaga, Asisko Urmeneta, “Mattin” Martiarena and Zaldieroa have also been put to work with the paintings in hand. Unai Iturriaga and Unai Gaztelumendi have not been able to attend the presentation, but have brought it with their cartoons in which they have participated in the presentation.
Because it can't be healthy without a smile!
Are baserritars on vacation? They ask in school. The students have answered no. So, working every day, would you like to be baserritarra in the future? And if nobody wants to be a baserritarra, who is going to make food for us? The question stayed in the air.
For the health and... [+]
Hiri handitik ezin ateratzeak ernatu du nigan berde behar bitxi bat, orain artean sekula ezagutu gabea. Ados, beti izan zait atsegingarri berdetasuna begiestea mendian, basoan, golf zelaian, baina oraingo hau da, seguru obligazioak behartua, ia-ia bitala, arnasten dugun airea... [+]
The members of the Ortutik Now Project of Busturialdea (Bizkaia) have been stirring up consciences and tastes for about seven years. “We are working on food from an agroecological point of view,” explains Sergio González Sánchez, a member of the project. Its activity is... [+]