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The hope of paralysing the incinerator is born

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Environment Deputy of Gipuzkoa, José Ignacio Asensio, stated in an interview last week in the SER chain that the doctor and scientist who preceded him were ideologized. José Cruz Ruiz Villandiego, director of the Stomatology and Dentistry Service of the Quirón Hospital in San Sebastián and Fernando Palacios, member of the Spanish Higher Scientific Research Council. Both believe that incinerators are a health hazard.

It is logical that Asensio defends his, albeit with very weak arguments, as the conversation showed. But well, that's your opinion. What is not so logical is that the listener is called stupid and, without saying so, when it is said that Villandiego and Palacios were ideologized, that is what he was doing. It's the same thing that employers say about the most combative unions: “These are ideologized.” Or when UPN, PSN, PP and Citizens proclaim in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento, before the municipal leaders, before the theme of the children's schools of Pamplona: “For an apolitical education.”

The spokesman for the Council of Gipuzkoa, Imanol Lasa, also did the same in response to the successful human chain of 28 May in Donostia: “Respect for citizenship, but behind this campaign are the political intention and the Abertzale left”. He showed respect for citizenship, but not for Podemos, Ezker Anitza-IU, Greenpeace and other organizations that supported the human chain. The truth is that if “everything is ETA” worked, why not that cheap “Abertzale left”?

In addition to ideologies, selling the Zubieta incinerator as a miracle that solves the “waste problem” says much about the opinion of some politicians on the level of citizenship. This idea, however, remains strong, among other reasons because the systemic media such as El Diario Vasco or Diario de Navarra have such a message. Thousands of citizens believe in their truth, even if they are contrary to their Spanish, right-wing and monarchic vision.

There are several tens in the morning, hundreds of afternoons, thousands of times… and they often give rise to the smile of many other thousands

Those of Gipuzkoa Zutik claim an ideology in favor of life, cheerful, stubborn and dressed. Imanol Lasa once again tried to bond with the “past times,” but whoever follows the steps of the movement will find little vestiges of many struggles of the past: more than rockets respond to the Ertzaintza with dances; from joy and knowledge they seek to attract the citizen to politics, as Andoni Egaña has just written about them “taking politics in the most radical sense”.

Against the incinerator, yes, as a symbol of the current system, and therefore, making public clear and proud of its anti-capitalist nature. Making them the “meeting point of the struggles” that comes from the plaza of the Republic of Paris; a broad framework of ideas, but without closed or precise proposals. Giving more importance to the road than to the final goal. Defining horizontality. Using communication and knowledge and use of social networks in an excellent way. Past? I would want a machine, but on his travels along the Boulevard de la Plaza de Gipuzkoa, steam comes out of 15-M, Occupy Wall Street and Nuit Debout.

It's several tens in the morning, hundreds of afternoons, thousands of times -- and they often raise the smile of many other thousands. The responsibility is not small, since the one who builds a small treasure has a lot of responsibility for its conservation. How will it end? Nobody knows, but the important thing is that it has left. Gipuzkoa Zutik is the engine of many illusions and concerns, as along with many other – doctors, parents, Zero Zabor Taldea, party… – has shown that it is possible to paralyse the Zubieta incinerator project again. What is going to happen, nobody knows, is not an easy objective, but the political debate is already leading all over Gipuzkoa. The PNV, the PSE-EE and pp no longer have to sell rats and black bags as a symbol of freedom; now we have to sell an increasingly large incinerator, and that is not so easy.

Doctors fighting the incinerator have been trying for two months to meet with MEP Markel Olano and Asensio, whom Arantxa stopped. What sense does it make to be in fracture campaigns in eleven corners of Gipuzkoa photographing with those here and not to have been one of the main actors in such a big debate? That too is an old policy.

2016ko ekainaren 19a
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