I brought from Greece the tree of fire, the rugged Grrevillea. But what story and stories does the fire tree have? The people of plants that encompass the genus called Grevillea are Australian. His name is due to Charles Frances Greville, whom he has placed in his honour. He was a rich English politician who lived between 1749 and 1809. His interest in nature led him to cultivate large gardens and greenhouses. Its best-known spider made it in the winter of 1807: Vanilla planifolia orchid flourished in the greenhouse, which produces the fruit of vanilla, which had never been achieved until then.
Mr. Greville was a friend of the famous Joseph Banks (1743-1820). The two, passionate about nature and participants in the unique Society of Dilettanti. This association encouraged research into ancient Greek and Roman art, although Horace de Wolpol said in 1743 that it was “the association of drunk people from Italy.”
D. Banks roamed around America, Oceania and Asia looking for “new” territory plants: eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp. ), acacias (Acacia sp.) And it was the first time that he brought to Europe plants of the genus Banksia, named with his honor. Between 1768-1771 it was part of the great voyage of the ship Endeavour, of Captain Cook, and for this it took seven collaborators: two botanists, two artists, one scientific secretary and two black servers. On this trip he met in Tahiti a bread tree or a bread tree, Artocarpus altilis. This tree is donor: it has a great fruit and smells of freshly made bread. Hence the name: They come from the words Artocarpus, Greek maize (bread) and carpos (fruit) and altilis in Latin “fat”.
In the late 18th century, in order to give cheap and nutritious food to the slave laborers of the colonies that England had in the Caribbean, they didn't know what asthma. Mr. Banks came up with a trip in 1787: He sent Tahiti a big boat, filled him with trees and drove him to the Caribbean. Those who think they can be slaves would treat the crew in the same way, the sailors jumped up and, leaving the trees and the captain at sea with their followers, took over the HMS Bounty and turned to Tahiti. In 1791 they did manage, on a second trip, to bring new bread to slave lands. They say they didn't like it ...
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Lagun baten gomendioa dela medio, Nafarroako Gobernuaren altzoko INTIA nekazaritza institutuko Laborantzen Babeserako atalean dagoen jakinarazpengunetik Fruta-arbolen osasun kudeaketa zuzena egiteko kontuan izan behar dituzun gomendioak dokumentua eskuratu dut, eta baita amaren... [+]