Being the origin of many of our plants, I take every proposal to travel eastward, and I find it hard to make ugliness. I've been in Greece for a month now. It wasn't because of embarrassment, but I was walking through the landscapes. Spectacular seas, olive (Olea europaea) and citrus (Citrus sp.) sections and snowy mountains in the same photo. Whenever I am in those lands I remember the great Federico Krutwig, even more so because of the bloom of May and its delicious smell: bugainbilea (Bouganvillea spectabilis), mite (Papaver rhoeas), Judas' tree (Cercis siliquastrum), grenade (Púnica granatum), carob (Ceria).
I also found a tree that I didn't know. I've seen them on the cork openers or on the cork openers that are made to put trees in the sidewalks of the streets, or in the parks, that is, in the urban areas. They asked the gardeners who were at work and said it was "shit." I did not take the form of acacia, but, as we call Robinia pseudoacacia pasiacacia, there they will call it acacia, who knows. I took a sample of leaves and a few pictures of the flower and as soon as I got home I plunged into the sea of the books. And soon I found it. It's called Grevillea Robusta. They call it “pine” (golden pine, for the flower) and “oak” (silk or silver oak, for tin), but I like another name: “fire tree”. It has a sheet larger than the hand, deep, thin, in the form of fern, with the bottom silvery and hairy. In winter, it doesn't clear, and in spring heat, large groups of flaming flowers open, here and there, as if they weren't in place. It's very eye-catching. In addition to color, the fact that flowers occur in larger or smaller groups makes it special. Motor dermatitis is preferable than the allergic does not touch it.
Ornamental is used in parks. Although it grows rapidly, it produces durable wood, used for fences, windows and carpentry. The boxes of the guitars have also been made, it seems that they add a special tone. Bees like the flower.
Many of the plants that have come to us from the east of Greece have been brought from the east, but the fire tree has brought it from Australia. By the East...
Mendi sindikataren lurretan, Anauzen Munhoako mazelan, hiru hektareetan 300 bat arbol, mota desberdinetakoak ezarriko dira. Ihizi batasunaren biltzar nagusian aho batez bozkatua izan den proiektua da.
Sahara basarmortuaren hegoaldean, Ténéréko eskualdean, akazia batek iraun zuen urte luzez, 400 kilometroko inguruan beste zuhaitzik ez zuela. Zein zen sekretua? Akuifero bat eta inguruko nomadentzat tabua izatea, horra erantzuna. Harik eta kamioi batek... [+]
I've written it before about him, but plants wouldn't bored him. Instead of getting bored, they come back. Recently it happened to me at the door of my house: to go out and search for firewood and “what does that tree have?”
At the back of the house I have put a collection of... [+]
Gernikako bonbardaketaren urteurrenaren biharamunetan Hiroshimako alkate Kazumi Katsui eta Iñigo Urkullu lehendakaria ikusi ditugu pala eskuan zuhaitz aldaxka aldatzen Bizkaiko juntetxearen ondoan. Bakearen aldeko eta gerrako sufrimenduaren kontrako mezu sinbolikoa.
If you are going to Lisbon, do not leave without visiting Basilica da Estrela. Without the need to access the same basilica, pay a barbarity and climb the 114 steps of the spiral staircase that has attached to the exterior. The whole Basilica is a large terrace, without a roof... [+]
Blood is needed to constantly renew and remember the value of trees! That is how we are. We'll have a huge forehead and a very broad liver ... Not to mention thickness of the skin.
The bark has also wilted, almost completely, to a giant tree. A friend has given me the news with... [+]