“You’d like to make a garden / secretly dream / Lilies in the old dancers / Dancing a thousand colors in the hearts,” said Pier Paul Berzaitz in the song. Who says that the orchard is not an artistic expression? You can find many colors, textures and compositions between lettuce and eggplant, which serve not only to feed the casings, but also the imagination. In order to promote this imagination, the Bizilur Association and the Development of Peoples have launched a competition to create food sovereignty. From the stove to the plaza. “The idea is to generate a reflection and reflection on food sovereignty through a competition and to get people to think about it,” explains Miren Saiz Alzugarai of Bizilur.
Work may be presented in one of these four categories. The illustrations can be both hand and digital, and the photographs can be original or with some touch. It is possible to present any type of audiovisual work, with a maximum duration of five minutes, and in the narrative section, works of any kind: stories, poems, articles, stories… Sutondo-Plazara is a competition open to the whole society. In any case, there are people who are particularly moving around the organization: “The people in the university environment are an important agent in the transformation, and given that last year we received a lot of work, we hope this year will also be,” says Saiz Alzugarai.
In addition to the prizes to be awarded to the winners of each category, the organization has put three special prizes: The “A Feminist Look” Prize, the “All for the Rights of Baserritarras” Prize and the “Publikoa - Donostia 2016” Prize, the winner of which will be voted on the Internet from July 15.
Beyond the economic reward, the winners will have the opportunity to participate in the Second European Forum on Food Sovereignty (Nyelleni Europe), held in Romania.
The deadline for submitting works was opened on May 2 www.bideberriak.eus/lehiaketa and will remain open until July 15. So take the azada, the video camera and the pencil and creativity!
Are baserritars on vacation? They ask in school. The students have answered no. So, working every day, would you like to be baserritarra in the future? And if nobody wants to be a baserritarra, who is going to make food for us? The question stayed in the air.
For the health and... [+]
Hiri handitik ezin ateratzeak ernatu du nigan berde behar bitxi bat, orain artean sekula ezagutu gabea. Ados, beti izan zait atsegingarri berdetasuna begiestea mendian, basoan, golf zelaian, baina oraingo hau da, seguru obligazioak behartua, ia-ia bitala, arnasten dugun airea... [+]
The members of the Ortutik Now Project of Busturialdea (Bizkaia) have been stirring up consciences and tastes for about seven years. “We are working on food from an agroecological point of view,” explains Sergio González Sánchez, a member of the project. Its activity is... [+]