I have seen that about ten days ago the new web series Txoministak was released, focused by the ideas factory Hiru Damatxo and disseminated by ARGIA. And it's occurred to me where this first program was going to get to the hands of ARGIA, if in the works of actor, recording or production you haven't heard the drops. Then I ask myself: How have women been misled as the presentation of the series so that the releases in the following chapters are controlled by ARGIA? It is best to ask the authors.
I have barely spoken the word "deceit", they laugh at me, not to be calm, no one has deceived them; they have come to an agreement. But I was still suspicious. “Are you sure it’s been a decent deal for you?” Yes. And again, laughter. The agreement seems simple: The dissemination of the web series is exclusive to ARGIA. It opens on Wednesdays and you can only see it until Friday through ARGIA. It hangs on Youtube from Friday. In return, the authors will receive a sufficient amount of money to cover material costs.
I have not yet given any explanation of the details of Txoministak, and I will comment on a couple of facts so that no one is very well trapped. This is a political series set in the Basque Country. In the words of its authors, “Euskal Herria will be definitively liberated”. As you can imagine, from the first moment cultivated from the humor, since the very idea of Txoministak arises in a dinner atmosphere of about six or seven friends. As the web series has been formed, the team has been expanding, as Hiru Damatxo is in charge of directing it and has ten other people next to it. At least initially it consists of eight sections and allows us to know the depths of the party.
The project has matured with enthusiasm and has gone ahead by reducing the holiday hours of weekends. Knowing the conditions and with the wind in favor, the result is very dignified. Are we going to come to question our vote?
Santi Cobosen ahozko testigantzan oinarrituta, espetxearen erretratu bat da Zigor Olabarriaren Txori Urdinak liburua. Santi Cobosek (Leon, Gaztela, 1968) bizitzaren erdia eman du preso. Pairatu ditu torturak, jipoiak, muturreko isolamendua, FIES sailkapena; burutu ditu ihes... [+]