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Convergence of strikes and struggles of 28-A

Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The strike and the day of mobilisation will be repeated on 28 April throughout France. Objective: The repeal of the El Khomri law or the labour reform of François Hollande. 75% of the French population, according to surveys, is against the law. Basically, it would be very similar to the labor reform that boosted PP in Spain and the reasons why it was carried out: that the labor market does not respond to the responsibilities of the current global market and therefore requires flexibility.

Flexibility is focused on facilitating rules for dismissal of workers, weakening the union organisation of workers and, ultimately, increasing the power of business organisations in the field of labour relations. So far, lowering wages and precariousness are the main consequences that this type of labour reform has had for workers.

Linked to these mobilizations, however, the Nuit Debout (Night in Standing) movement has emerged, which, in addition to paralyzing labor reform, looks much further. The alliance of students and various social sectors of the Plaza de la República de Paris, a crutch in the fight against neoliberalism, looks towards social transformation.

Faced with the typical trade union struggles and the limitations of isolated general strikes, they want to push something more continuously. What and how is it not clear; at the moment, giving a direction to the flow that was generated on 31 March would not be a little. Many equate Nuit Debout with the M15 of Spain and the U.S. Occupy, and although it is different from the two, at least in view of the projection looks more towards the other side of the sea. In the United States, a Democratic candidate, such as Bernie Sanders, is calling as revolutionary the broad support he is getting when talking about an alternative to socialism. There are also Occupy repetitions.

There is also much talk about the path of Podemos, but at the moment there does not seem to be such a wick in the future of Nuit Debout. For example, Frédérick Gordon, the intellectual driver of the movement, wants to go beyond the elections and the fighting of the parties. Gordon, an important reference of the French left, believes in strong and broad movements in the face of profound changes, for which he considers the convergence of the struggles essential. This is the concept that has most spread in the Nuit Debout, the convergence of struggles, and under its shadow the struggle of the indignados of the night grows. Thursday’s mobilisation is its first major stop since the movement was created. The National Assembly will begin to discuss the law as of 3 May, and the protest is also expected to increase and expand significantly. As the flame of other places, Nuit Debout will also be extinguished sooner or later. The direction of the runway it leaves is the one that is not yet clear, but there is no doubt that it will leave it.

In the Spanish State, the political movement is more centered on institutions than on the street. If, faced with the relatively secure alliance of Podemos and IU, the PSOE does not make a final sudden move, leaving power in the hands of the PP and C’s, the general election will be repeated on 26 June. This tool of the major parties has been pending since 20 December, and the other parties will have to undergo the cruising route of the new elections. And in the end we will know whether the elections to the Basque Parliament will be held that day or not.

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Asanblada eta kanpalekua. Politika, bestelako munduak sortzeko

Zergatik ez du Nuit Debout frantziarrak M15 espainiarraren irismenik izan? Elementu guztiak zeuden (eta daude) mahai gainean: alderdi sozialistaren beste eraso bat lan eskubideen aurka ("Loi travail"), egonezin sakona eta "zerbait gerta zedin" guraria giroan... [+]

Parisko Errepublika plaza gau eta egun okupatzeko deia egin du Nuit Debout mugimenduak

Ekainaren 28tik gutxienez uztailaren 10era arte, Parisko Errepublika plaza modu iraunkorrean okupatzeko dei egin du Frantziako Nuit Debout mugimentuak.

2016-06-09 | Estitxu Eizagirre
Nuit Debouteko gakoak azaldu ditu Miguel Seguik

Miguel Segui NPAko (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste) kidea da eta azken hilabeteetan Frantziako plazetan antolatu den Nuit Debout mugimenduan parte hartzen du. Ekainaren 8an hitzaldia eman du Gipuzkoa Zutikek gonbidatuta, Bulebarrean.

Sindikatuen zortzigarren greba eguna Frantziako Estatuan

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“Estatua eta Patronala bereizi!” aldarrikatzen du gaur Nuit Deboutek Parisen

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2016-05-09 | Mikel Hiribarren
“Nuit Debout”: Aika mutil, jeiki hadi, argia den mira hadi...

... (bai nausia, argia da guroilarra kanpoan da!) Parisen bezala Frantziako hiri haundi batzuen plaza nagusietan biltzen hasiak dira herritarrak. Zutik gauaz, Nuit Debout deitzen dute beren egonaldia. Eta gauez gau badu ilabete iraganik plaza batzuk iluntze guziez tanpez beterik... [+]

Biarnoko Jean Lassalle diputatuak Nuit Debout defenditu du Frantziako Legebiltzarrean

Parisko Asanblea nazionalean gertatu da, lan erreformaren lege polemikoa eztabaidatzen ari diren saioetako batean, sindikatu nagusien greba orokorrak eta Nuit Debout bezalako mugimenduak eragin dituen El Khomri legearen tramitazioan: Biarnoko eta Iparraldeko (Zuberoa eta... [+]

Nuit Debout eta sindikalistek elkarlanean asmatuko ote dute Maiatzaren 1aren bezperetan?

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2016-04-22 | François Ruffin
Emmanuel Todd
“Txikia izan arren, Nuit Debout izan daiteke datorrenaren iragarpena”

Frantziako estatuan Nuit Debout fenomenoaren sorreran parte hartu duen François Ruffinek zuzendari den Fakir astekarian mugimenduaz galdetu dio Emmanuel Todd (1951) historialari eta idazleari. Eztabaida politiko eta sozialetan ezaguna den Toddek azken hauteskundeetan... [+]

Nuit Debout Baionan: zer entzuten da plazan?

“Ideologia eta espresio ugaritako jendea gerturatu da, eta askotan isilik geratzen diren ahotsak entzun dira”, adierazi dute bertaratutakoek. Mugimenduaren helburua da mugimendu eta pertsona anitz horiek bat egitea, MediaBask kazetak jaso duenez.

Nuit Debout mugimenduak lehen batzarra egin du Baionan

17:00tan elkartu dira Roland Barthes zelaigunean: elkar ezagutzeko jolasaz gain, mugimenduaren aurkezpena egin eta lantaldeak sortuko dituzte.


Istiluak izan dira Parisen, lan erreformaren aurkako manifestazioan

Astelehenean, “graduatuen laneratzea errazteko” 500 milioi euroko plana iragarri zuen Manuel Valls Frantziako lehen ministroak. Ez da aski izan ordea. Lan-erreformaren aurkako protestek bizirik diraute Frantziako Estatuan.

Gazteentzako plana iragarri du Frantziako Gobernuak, protestak baretzeko

Lan erreformak eragindako protestak baretu nahian, graduatuen laneratzea errazteko 500 milioi euroko plana iragarri du Manuel Valls Frantziako lehen ministroak. Sindikatuek ontzat jo dute erabakia.

Poliziak Parisko kanpalekua hustu arren, mugimenduak esna darrai ‘martxoaren 42an’

Martxoaren 31ko greba nagusiaren ostean Parisen hasi eta Hexagonoko hainbat hiritara zabaldutako Nuit Debout kale okupazio mugimendua hamabigarren egunean sartu da ("martxoak 43" ditu gaur mugimenduko kideen kontabilitatean).

Eguneraketa berriak daude