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From the City Hall we also work the food and agricultural model

Baztango Zaporeak ekimenaren aurkezpena. Argazkia:
Baztango Zaporeak ekimenaren aurkezpena. Argazkia:
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

“Many times there are things that are far from the hands of the public or that are difficult to change. But there are other things that are more within the reach of citizens: through them we can change local realities.” The first words of the mayor of Baztan, Joseba Otondo Bikondoa, when asked about the Zer jan initiative, hala Baztan, were the following:

The City Hall has launched the dynamic in order to raise the awareness of the citizens of Baztan about the importance of consuming local food. They have begun the journey with towels that will be sent to households every two months: each copy will provide information on a local product, explaining how it is done, giving importance to the value that this product has in many respects and proposing original recipes. In the first of the leaves, sheep's milk has been worked, providing information on grazing and underlining the value of this work in landscape conservation.

Food and agriculture

A few months ago the City Council launched the Baztango zaporeak initiative, which has as protagonists local producers and processors, with the aim of developing their projects through collaboration. “For years, European agricultural policies have promoted the interests of agro-industry and large distributors, incinerating the small agriculture of our valleys,” says Otondo. To turn it around, it believes that joint work and the unity of small producers will be necessary.

“Eating local is keeping local life alive”

Otondo is clear that much can be done from the people, and in this direction the lines that are already in place are going: 1) on land use, 2) processing and marketing of products, 3) raising public awareness, 4) training and 5) transfer of holdings outside the family. With a view to the future, they intend to structure those ideas and lines that are already under way and to create a kind of Baztan agricultural and food council. As they said in the presentation of the Baztango zaporeak project, “step by step, small to large”.

2016ko apirilaren 24a
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