Rotting apples every day. We had breakfast each morning in front of the newspaper with coffee and roast. Today Barbara, tomorrow CAN, past tomorrow Noos, FIFA Gate, De Miguel, Gurtel, Gurtel, Tablón, revolving doors, tax havens… the characters offered to me on this page are not enough. Despite the long list, great efforts are made here and there to deny that the problem is structural. Taking those apples out the problem, that's what they want us to believe.
But the basket is the one that's rotten. These are not isolated cases to be removed. They are not just unjust people who have illegally enriched themselves within the parties. It is a way of doing, a way of doing that has been customary in political parties and in public institutions. The same applies to tax havens, which are networks organised to avoid paying taxes that go beyond the fraud of individual entities or companies.
In the infrared of corruption and corruption there is manager and management model. We know very honest militants who understand politics as an instrument for building a more just society. They want to lead us to think that there is no alternative form of management by putting everyone in the same bag.
All ranks of the Spanish State have been smelling bone for a long time. It is no coincidence that the excessive impunity that has existed so far in Navarre and Valencia, which have been able to maintain internal cohesion, has existed. After years of silence, however, all cases are now being seen in the platoon. So much, they also look like a programmed explosion. Before the State falls, it will be better to comfort it. Let us remember the express abdication of King Juan Carlos.
It seems that this wave of corruption can cause the pain of society and put the problem on the path to solution, but some of the symptoms that have occurred so far are very different. On the one hand, seeing so many cases every day has been a certain vaccination effect, the most serious news by force of despair is collected within normal limits. On the other hand, parties reputed by corruption have opted for generalisation: Under the slogan “Corruption is in all parties” and “all politicians are equal”. And it's not true. On the reverse side of corruption and corruption there is management model. We know very honest militants who understand politics as an instrument for building a more just society. They want to lead us to think that there is no alternative form of management with all of them in the same bag.
We must not forget that corruption is also an endemic scourge of neoliberal capitalism. The focus is much on the corrupt and little on the corrupt. In a relentless fight between companies and capital, all loopholes are used to increase profits, including the influence of public offices on decision-making points. Political power is currently accounted for in euros. We must not go too far to see the signs of this, we all know of some of the tricks that have been done in the local councils, whether they be plugs, recalifications of land or public tenders for friendship.
In this way, in addition to increasing the control and transparency of public administration in the face of corruption, the democratisation of companies would be essential. This transparency must also be demanded of the business world. The active participation of workers in management can be a way forward, such as well-functioning cooperatives. If stricter control is not established on both sides, the wheel will continue to turn in the same direction and from time to time will give a “case” to the plain people, the petzero at the time when the corrupt pretend to pay their due. The concern of the political and economic elites is not that the system is corrupt, but that it rots and questions the system that works so well for them.
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