Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Lantaina gulls

  • In many corners of Euskal Herria, the sung melody that dances through the corner of the hull what the eyes see, palpates in Zuberoa, Bizkaia or Baztan. They tell us wars, revenge, conflict or domestic tragedies. Thanks to the work of gathering musicologists such as Sallaberri, Azkue, Aita Donostia or Riezu have come to our lips.
Ainara Azpiazu "Axpi"
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

I had just finished the wedding at the Urtsua House, in the Ordokia district of Arizkun. Young spouses seemed happy. Estebe Urtsua's mother was already wearing her daughter-in-law Juana. A dote that brought with it the prosperity of the factory, with hundreds of dirty, golden spoons, fabrics and canvases of price.

But Urtsua's successor was in the dark. Under the pale silk clothing she observed that the woman had a tummy too round. Who was your father? But it wasn't him, they weren't together to respect the wedding night. It was a black rage. I had to do something. She looked at Juana. Suddenly I knew how to get out of a locked door.

He had broken with the boy. He begged Miguel Strogoff to pull the horse back and ask no questions. Juana was going to lie down. She invited her to pray tenderly to the hermitage of Santa Ana de Urtsua. Juana agreed because she began to believe that she had deceived Estebe about her situation.

As he tilted his forehead in a whisper, he surrounded his wife's neck with a thin tape and fastened it to the last breath. Juana's eyes turned. Without life he fell exhausted on the cold earth:

Lantaina's daughter is
at the mercy of

The first version of Urtsuako Kanta of the modern era was recorded in the short LP of the house Goiztiri, with four songs by Mikel Laboa in 1966: guitar and simple voice, orphan. Benito Lertxundi combed an adaptation of the medieval sound tension of Eresia at Passover Gaüerdi Ondoa (1989). Right, because Riezu perceived a connection to the sephardic air of the songs of Blood Weddings that triumphed in lands of southern Hispania.

In the classic, only six or seven coplas are sung. However, in Plazara magazine, in 1988, the late Mariano Izeta brought fifteen bertsos. RM Azkue gathered from the mouth of Tomás Urrutia, from the town of Gartzain, and published it in his book Cancionero Popular Vasco (1918-1921) with musical partition. Be that as it may, an event that falls into short verses drops terror on its back as it moves away from it.

Song Agur my sister, Goiti zazu burua, Urtsuak premieres with the verse of seven windows in the collections. The text seems naked with its few words and the repetitions of my sister Juana and my brother sir touch like hammers as they pass through the throat. Between reality and fiction, there is uncertainty about the Esthesia that devastates us to the bottom of our hearts.

Violent, cruel water

The Urtsua fort can be placed on a map, we know where it is and whoever wants can see it. The lords of Arizkun left in the history of Navarra the finger of his finger: In the last fighting of the site of the Castle of Amaiur they were shown as collaborators of the count of Lerín. The king of Spain especially rewarded them for this coup. They lacked good reputations, however, because they were violent, hungry for lands and honors, and possessed the exhausts who enslave them in Bozate. They had been educated as the nobles back then, because they were secretaries and notaries of the Puxant. The water shadow extended to both the South and the North. They were compiled with Mr. Arizmendi of Orzaiz.

The best known member of the family is Pedro de Urtsua (1521-1561). He toured America by creating cities in Colombia, raising Indians and looking for gold, in the company of Lope de Agirre and Inés Atienza, of Oñati. The German Werner Herzog represented them in the film Agirre, Der Zorn Gottes, in which he made fun of death by descending the Maranon River. Also impressive, Iñaki Elizalde presented us in 2012 at the work Baztan and Joseba Apaolaza embodied the Matías de Urtsua.

We imagined that the spirit that we represented with Mikel Laboa's voice was of the same slice: cruel, hard, warm head. Some say that this Urtsua was called Estebe and that the accident occurred in 1700. Jondoni Joane dragged. But nobody knows. In France, a king Luis is convinced that Juana had promised five hundred luises to his brother, the priest, by his discretion:

At five, a
hundred luises, my brother

Daughter of Lantaina

We know less about the game. Lantaina's daughter could be Bidarrai, Hazparne or Ezpeleta. It was an abandoned farmhouse, with seven windows, many more than Urtsua. Bertsolari plays with seven and eight mythic numbers. It is the symbol of great tranquility, because there are seven splinters of the perfect rose, the mortal sins, the ages of the census, the heads of the dragon of Altzai...

Seven new mills
eight white
palaces, for all
of them I
don't want Urtsura...

Beautiful windows The
most beautiful

The farms, the celebrations, the benefits were multiplied by the yarns of weddings. During the time when the borders between France and Spain were being set, people continued to maintain contacts with the citizens of Baztan, Bidarrai and Baigorri. Still in Aritzaku, the passages of Urrizate or Izpegi dominate with dreams the route of the precious metals of the Romans.
The ambition would have lost Juana. If he had listened to his brother, he would at least have saved his life. I could play with the batista, I could deal with him, but the urtsuarra was not easy to fool. They had experience in training in the field of lying and conservation. The castles and manor houses of the Baztan Valley, almost all, had the XIV-XVIII. for ever and ever.

my sister Juana:
I've heard a story
about my sister

What did you
say, my brother?
Your sister
Juana is a haunted

Murder at the Santa Ana Chapel

The song starts with the conversation between Mr. Brother and sister Juana. The brother knows that his sister is pregnant – stuck, strangulated, embrassed…– and is setting the price of silence for copla. Joana tends the money after the cap with the pen and the horse and it's as if she's reassured with him. He tells him that he will have the arm of a child who for love of peace will bring:

That's it, reward,
my sister Juana.
The boy
in my arms, my sister

The brother priest failed to stop the idea of marrying Ana Urtsua. But the agreement between the two heralds a bartender. In Juana's voice, there's a panic. Everyone should remain silent, because parents and the boyfriend who disagreed with the marriage should not know anything:

“Enazula room to my
parents and
less to the
children of Urtsu.

He drove to the residence of Estebe de Urtsua. Ten carts lying down a vein of oxen, loaded with furniture, fabrics, porcelain plates and clothes, chased him. The skilled txistularis of Bozate eased the weddings with dances of boys and girls. He had never felt so happy.

I had no doubt that I replied in the affirmative to the invitation to pray a prayer of gratitude to the chapel of Santa Ana. Estebe used the exact circumstance of the moment to kill his wife, with thin white ribbons or swords, according to the versions.

Lantaina's daughter is
at the mercy of

in Sant’ Ana:
He had left the
house without saying

The Urtsuarra had escaped to France without saying goodbye to his father. But the poet ends a drop of morality in his unforgettable song, splashing the vein of tragedy. That Mari Kattalin, the servant of Juana, can be a sister or mother and we see her reflect:

Our faithful
Mari Kattalin

has remained to
great penaltis:

“Did you get hooked
in the past?
So you can't
go to the

In the depths of Lantaina, in the nights of full moon, the laments of Juana are already heard.

Urtsuako Kanta

Agur ene arreba
ene arreba Joana:
Berri bat aditu dut
ene arreba Joana.

Zer aitu duzu bada,
ene anaia jauna?
Enbraza omen zara
ene arreba Joana.

– Zertan ezautzen naute,
ene anaia jauna?
– Gerria loditu ta
laburtu kotilluna.

– Enazazula sala
ene aitametara
et’are gutiago
Urtsuko semetara.

– Zer emain duzu sari,
ene arreba Joana?
Txapela lumarekin
ene anaia jauna.

– Ez da, ez, hori sari,
ene arreba Joana.
– Bortzetan ehun luis
ene anaia jauna.

– Hoiek eztutzu aski,
ene arreba Joana.
– Zaldia zelaturik,
ene anaia jauna.

– Hoiek eztutzu aski
ene arreba Joana.
– Haurra besoetara
ene anaia jauna.
Zaldia zelarekin
zuretzat jarria da.
Nik iten dudan haurra
zure besokoa izain da.

– Hori da, hori, sari,
ene arreba Joana:
Haurra besoetara,
ene arreba Joana.

– Zazpi errota berri,
zortzi jauregi xuri;
hoien guziengatik
nik ez Urtsura nahi.

– Goiti zazu burua,
ene arreba Joana.
– Eztezaket goratu,
anai Batista jauna.

Urtsuak eder leiho
Lantainak ederrago
Lantainako alaba
Urtsuan hila dago.

Urtsuan zazpi leiho
zazpiak lerro lerro,
Lantainako alaba
Urtsuan defuntu dago.

Urtsuan defuntua
Santa Anan kausitua:
Adios erran gabe
etxetik partitua.

Gure Mari Kattalin
emakume fidela,
pesalonbre handitan
gelditua bide da.

– Etzinakien bada
trabatua zinela?
Orduan etzaiteken
ezkontzarikan zerra.

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Ertzainen %20ak eta udaltzainen %30ak ez dute euskara-eskakizunik azken deialdian

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Donostiako Birunda gune autogestionatua “ilegalki” hustu dute

Ustez, lokalaren jabetza eskuratu dutenek bidali dituzte sarrailagileak sarraila aldatzera; Ertzaintzak babestuta aritu dira hori egiten. Birundak epaiketa bat irabazi du duela gutxi.

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Noiz: martxoaren 14an.
Non: Gasteizko Jimmy Jazz aretoan.


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2025-03-21 | Elhuyar
Autismoak: normaltasuna zabaltzeko aukera bat

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Euskal Herriko Filosofia Zaleen Sarea eratzeko prozesua abian da

Txinparta izeneko prozesua Martxoaren 21ean hasiko da eta urte bete iraungo du. "Udaberriaren hasierarekin batera proiektu herritar berri bat" aurkeztu nahi dutela adierazi dute. 

Duero ibaitik gora otsoa berriz ehizatzea onartu du Espainiako Kongresuak

PP, Vox, Junts eta EAJren botoekin Espainiako Kongresuak onartu du otsoa espezie babestuen zerrendatik ateratzea eta, horren ondorioz, berriz ehizatu ahal izango dute Duero ibaitik iparrera.

Eguneraketa berriak daude