No one yet knows what will come out of the mobilizations of the Republic Square, but one could say that the march of the Nuit Debout movement will leave a profound mark on France. After the general strike of March 31 to reject the labor reform of Prime Minister Manuel Valls, the young people and students decided that they would not return home, and since then they meet every night in the Plaza de la República, which has become a meeting point of various forms of struggle.
The melody is not unknown to those who followed the Spanish movement M-15. Or the follower of the protests against the Icelandic banking and government. By pulling young people and students, the main objective is not to start the labour reform, but it has already added many indignados to the night: those condemned to precarious employment, the fight for evictions, students dencing the constant increase in enrolments, supporters of the undocumented, retirees with ever lower pensions, environmentalists, trade unionists.. Nuit Debout becomes the yoke of old and new struggles.
Born in the heart of Paris, stimulated by the white student, he had realized that his evolution could be, in itself, dangerous and dividing: “The periphery is missing here.” And the flame has already spread to the most marginalized and poorest neighborhoods in Paris. And also to dozens of cities and towns in France.
The stabilishmint in France tried to turn a blind eye, even the largest media struggled to react, and when they did, they give a lot of room to the violent reactions of the demonstrators, who have been scarce. “What do you have to say about the violence of several protesters,” the spokesmen of Nuit Debout, expelled at night by the police of the Plaza de la República, are asked. One night, yes, the next, the dividing questions that have been extended to those who have been violently expelled.
The massive trade union movement launched on 31 March aims to curb the labour reform of Myriam El Khomri, but Nuit Debout goes further, trade union sources have reported. I would like to make the government of François Hollande explode, to launch the system of outdated political parties, to promote a new constitutional process in France, to curb the impulse of neoliberalism, to change the social model... Too much to get everything overnight, but not to set the direction of movimiento.Se is about
explosions that have occurred in countries such as Iceland, Greece, Spain, Portugal and other countries in Europe. The results have not been the same in all cases, but the bottom current is moving in the same direction.
The image shown so far shows the periphery versus the centre of the European Union, and one of the crudest images of competition was the tragedy of Greece. The outraged French people have unbalanced the balance a little, and have brought the conflict to the heart of the EU. Germany commands, but France still commands. Nobody knows what is going to change, but there is no doubt that the current has accelerated in the course of change.
"The French outraged have decompensated the balance, at least, and brought the conflict to the heart of the EU"
Nuit Debout wants to tear down the government of François Hollande, finally removing the mask from the PS. Certainly, the poor short-term objective, and yet Hollande's, has done so. Together with Italy and Spain, the one that changed the centre of gravity of the EU, it has only made the troika model thicker. These days, in France, the historic European social democracy is taking a step further in its decline.
It is not clear how long the emptying dynamics of the Plaza de la República will continue, but its objective is that it be maintained until at least 28 April. On that day, unions and social movements have called a new day of mobilizations against labor reform in the Basque Country and Navarre. Not only France, that day the whole EU will set its eyes on the hexágono.Lo that is happening in France can also affect Spain,
and not Podemos, which is the party that governs with the PSOE. The agreement between the PSOE and C’s would hardly have been approved by the bases of the purple party, but with the echoes of France, much less.
Elections or a large coalition, that is what the citizens of the Spanish State have before them. We can get out of both, the PSOE has the precipice in front of both.
Zergatik ez du Nuit Debout frantziarrak M15 espainiarraren irismenik izan? Elementu guztiak zeuden (eta daude) mahai gainean: alderdi sozialistaren beste eraso bat lan eskubideen aurka ("Loi travail"), egonezin sakona eta "zerbait gerta zedin" guraria giroan... [+]
Ekainaren 28tik gutxienez uztailaren 10era arte, Parisko Errepublika plaza modu iraunkorrean okupatzeko dei egin du Frantziako Nuit Debout mugimentuak.
Miguel Segui NPAko (Nouveau Parti Anticapitaliste) kidea da eta azken hilabeteetan Frantziako plazetan antolatu den Nuit Debout mugimenduan parte hartzen du. Ekainaren 8an hitzaldia eman du Gipuzkoa Zutikek gonbidatuta, Bulebarrean.
Grebak, erregai biltegien blokatzeak, bide mozketak, zentral nuklearretako mobilizazioak… El Khomri legeari aurre egiten ari zaizkio zortzigarren egunez sindikatuak, CGT buru dutela, maiatzaren 26 honetan, ahaztu gabe Nuit Debout mugimenduak egunero antolatzen dituen... [+]
Frantziako Estatuan lan erreformaren kontrako protesta eta grebak zabaltzen ari direnean, aldarrikapen berri bezain funtsezko baten inguruan batzar berezia egingo du Parisen Nuit Debout mugimenduak: Estatua eta Patronala bereizi beharra dago, apartatu, duela mende bat Estatua... [+]
... (bai nausia, argia da guroilarra kanpoan da!) Parisen bezala Frantziako hiri haundi batzuen plaza nagusietan biltzen hasiak dira herritarrak. Zutik gauaz, Nuit Debout deitzen dute beren egonaldia. Eta gauez gau badu ilabete iraganik plaza batzuk iluntze guziez tanpez beterik... [+]
Parisko Asanblea nazionalean gertatu da, lan erreformaren lege polemikoa eztabaidatzen ari diren saioetako batean, sindikatu nagusien greba orokorrak eta Nuit Debout bezalako mugimenduak eragin dituen El Khomri legearen tramitazioan: Biarnoko eta Iparraldeko (Zuberoa eta... [+]
The strike and the day of mobilisation will be repeated on 28 April throughout France. Objective: The repeal of the El Khomri law or the labour reform of François Hollande. 75% of the French population, according to surveys, is against the law. Basically, it would be very... [+]
Frantziako estatuan apirilaren 28an eta maiatzaren 1ean egingo dira manifestazio nagusiak. Horien amaieran Parisko eta gainerako hiriburuetan lan erreformaren kontrako borrokek eman dutenaz eztabaidatzeko deia egin dute alde batetik Nuit Debout mugimenduko Parisko batzarrak eta... [+]
Frantziako estatuan Nuit Debout fenomenoaren sorreran parte hartu duen François Ruffinek zuzendari den Fakir astekarian mugimenduaz galdetu dio Emmanuel Todd (1951) historialari eta idazleari. Eztabaida politiko eta sozialetan ezaguna den Toddek azken hauteskundeetan... [+]
“Ideologia eta espresio ugaritako jendea gerturatu da, eta askotan isilik geratzen diren ahotsak entzun dira”, adierazi dute bertaratutakoek. Mugimenduaren helburua da mugimendu eta pertsona anitz horiek bat egitea, MediaBask kazetak jaso duenez.
17:00tan elkartu dira Roland Barthes zelaigunean: elkar ezagutzeko jolasaz gain, mugimenduaren aurkezpena egin eta lantaldeak sortuko dituzte.
Astelehenean, “graduatuen laneratzea errazteko” 500 milioi euroko plana iragarri zuen Manuel Valls Frantziako lehen ministroak. Ez da aski izan ordea. Lan-erreformaren aurkako protestek bizirik diraute Frantziako Estatuan.
Lan erreformak eragindako protestak baretu nahian, graduatuen laneratzea errazteko 500 milioi euroko plana iragarri du Manuel Valls Frantziako lehen ministroak. Sindikatuek ontzat jo dute erabakia.