For a cold Thursday of March there was no better plan than going to see Amorante and JP Lohian and his Clon Klan. An unbeatable poster, as the two nicest surprises that Basque music has given this year were coming at once, Nora and Hell Doradora. Whoever knows the room knows that there are few places so suitable to listen and see a great concert.
Mistress had seen it before in Vitoria, and so we said it in this section. Someone had gone to see Iban. He started the performance, and he gave a little concert, though he played almost every repertoire and some new songs.
But we all knew, without anyone telling you, that we were waiting for the Klan Clan, and it highlighted the attitude of the public, because as soon as Joseba Ponce and his teammates staged, the first lines were filled with people. A single album in between hands, with only two concerts ahead, and still, fill the room; sign that there was a desire to see Joseba Ponce's work live.
The scenery, cared for, was full of lamps and boats with the appearance of a macabre laboratory. And there, the fancy band: Libe Garcia de Cortazar on keyboard and voice, Karlos Osinaga “Amorebieta” on and voice, Galder Izagirre on drums, Gorka Sesma on guitar, and the JP itself on guitar and main voice were clones. La crème de la crème.
The concert he offered the previous day in Bilbao was different from what could be read later, as in Vitoria-Gasteiz he went out in the street on the album of Libe, but he started with the theme Gurinezko bihotza, written by Joseba Ponce himself, and then the songs were not played in disco order. In addition to this song, they played another one out of the album, the only one that people had not sang, as all the others sang them aloud. I guess eight songs in total. Little by little, but there is a lot.
I was curious to know how these songs were going to be corrected, and I think they were right in their entirety. Compared to the disc, the direct is stronger, less nuanced, perhaps, but more intense. The songs were more embarrassed, more polluted by the Bidasoa. The stoner, the psychedelia, the rock... can be found on the record, but live, in some cases, the influences of Hardcore were also appreciated, due to the brutal rhythm of Galder and Txap, which inevitably brought Dut and Kuraia.
Those of us who, 20 years ago, shook our heads with Dut, then shook them with Kuraia, now tap JP Lohian and let it be for a long time. We do not know, however, how agendas will be coordinated. At the moment, they have given a series of concerts and have kept quiet. It would be a pity to stay there, because they are undoubtedly one of the most interesting groups in the Basque Country. But having said that, I haven't discovered anything to anyone.
Amorante eta JP Lohian & Klonen Klana. Martxoaren 17an 20:30ean, Gasteizko Hell Dorado aretoan eskainitako emanaldia.
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