Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa


Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Lately, I find it increasingly difficult to buy any product. What was useful and tasty years ago, today, is uncertain. The change? I have gone from the mere contemplation of the product to the contemplation of the whole element.

At the points of sale we have many things at our disposal. We see the product, we touch it, we taste it, and after we take the size of the pocket paste, we decide whether or not we buy it. Along the way, you don't see with your eyes the human condition in which it's produced and what's polluting, but it's something you feel. We may not have been directly involved, but surely the people and places around the creative process could have said something else.

We care as buyers, we reward with our purchases one or other kind of trade

Traceability is the DNA of the steps taken in the creation and life of a product: the information that gathers the story of the element in the supply chain and the path followed. This accumulation of data is full of black holes, because the working and living conditions are not indicated; the workers earn a living wage; those who ask other countries in the production centers; the contagion of the environment... It is a delicate information, which can be ugly and not well seen in this society privileged for our consumption.

The impact that the life of a purchased product has on the environment is very important. Before, the reasons why you didn't see the element in another depth came from outside and inside. On the one hand, the brilliance of the products, the sweet flavors and the fashion dazzled me. But one cannot avoid the responsibility of oneself, and in this sense, in my case, the most important thing was comfort and laziness. I saw nothing more than the product before me and only felt the direct influence it exerted on myself. But what is behind a 5-euro t-shirt and a 10-euro sneakers? Or the great benefits of famous brands? The answers to these questions are directly related to the product.

We care as buyers, with our purchases we reward one or other kind of trade. In our people we make demonstrations, strikes, mergers, etc. in defence of children’s rights, against women’s oppression, for decent working conditions… These shouts are drowned in this context, such as the people or countries involved in the product creation process.

In this context, we should have more direct and transparent traceability and make a selection of all the information. In the meantime, I propose to make a paused selection when buying something; among other things, so that the respect and awareness we have for the environment becomes ever greater. What we eat, dress and use is also us. We are part of the links of concrete products, because it is we who are at the end of the chain.

2025-03-08 | ARGIA
Mugimendu Feminista: “Faxismoaren kontra, ausardia eta aliantza feministez armaturik gaude”

Mugimendu feministak manifestazioak egin ditu goizean Donostian, Gasteizen eta Iruñean eta arratsaldean Baionan eta Bilbon. Oinarrizko irakurketa partekatu dute, eta horri gehitu diote hiri bakoitzean bertako problematika, eragile eta ekimenen erreferentzia.

2025-03-08 | ARGIA
Bilgune Feminista
“Feminismoa da heldulekurik argiena desio dugun Euskal Herrirako”

Bilgune Feministak Heldulekuak argi, Euskal Herria feminista leloa baliatu du M8an, azpimarratzeko feminismoak ematen dituela “datorrenari aurre egiteko tresnak”, eta gogorarazteko faxismoaren gorakadaren testuinguru hau helduleku horretatik irakurri eta borrokatu... [+]

Iruña-Veleia: epaiketatik bost urtera

Otsailean bost urte bete dira Iruña-Veleiako epaiketatik, baina oraindik hainbat pasarte ezezagunak dira.

11 urteko gurutze-bidea. Arabako Foru Aldundiak (AFA) kereila jarri zuenetik epaiketa burutzera 11 urte luze pasa ziren. Luzatzen den justizia ez dela justizia, dio... [+]


MAITE: (biharko eguna antolatzen bere buruaren baitan) Jaiki, gosaldu, bazkaria prestatu, arropa garbitu, etxea garbitu, gizon hori jaiki, seme-alabak jaiki, hiru horien gosaria prestatu, haiek agurtu, erosketak egin, lanera joan, seme-alabak eskolatik jaso, merienda eman,... [+]

Espainiako Sustapen Ministerioa: “Ez dakigu Ezkioko lotunea oso bideragarria den”

Josu Estarrona EH Bilduko Arabako senatariak egindako galderari erantzun dio Espainiako Sustapen Ministerioak, eta hor berretsi du Ezkioko aukera zailtasunez beteta dagoela.

2025-03-07 | Laia Alduntzin
Hezkuntza gotorleku

Matxismoa normalizatzen ari da, eskuin muturreko alderdien nahiz sare sozialetako pertsonaien eskutik, ideia matxistak zabaltzen eta egonkortzen ari baitira gizarte osoan. Egoera larria da, eta are larriagoa izan daiteke, ideia zein jarrera matxistei eta erreakzionarioei ateak... [+]

Mazónek ez du lortu bere misioa: Valentziako gurasoek katalanaren alde egin dute

“Askatasunaren” izenean, ikastetxean zein oinarrizko hizkuntza nahi duten galdetu diete guraso valentziarrei. Helburua katalana zokoratzea zen. PPren eta Voxen gobernuak ez du lortu. 33 eskualdeetatik 22tan katalana gailendu da. Emaitzarekin oso pozik agertu dira... [+]

800.000 euro gastatuko ditu EBk errusiar inbasioaren mamuari aurre egiteko

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Badator, esnatu da

Gizakunde (Inauteriak)
Noiz: otsailaren 15ean.
Non: Arizkun eta Erratzun. plazan.


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“Topaketa antiinperialistak” egingo ditu Askapenak martxoaren 15 eta 16an Bilbon

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Eguneraketa berriak daude