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"There is not a machista style of its own, but uses of this kind"

  • The singer Furia Rap was surprised back at a feminist music festival in Madrid, where Arantxa URRETABIZKAIA participated. Fleeing from standards, he is immersed in the powerful underground scene of women who we do not want to see, empower and make known their work and struggle. Free Otegi has sung in the video of "free them all" and in recent years has participated in numerous initiatives. The album No clemency, the song Retrospective Abortion written on the law against the right to abortion and the workshops taught by people in town have opened many looks and consciences.
Argazkia: Dani Blanco

Has it marked you being Cascante?

The place where you have your origin always influences. It's hard to be a little girl in a small village, because gender stereotypes are even narrower and you're watched a lot.

When and how did you discover rap? Has your life changed at the root?

At 15-16, I don't know how it came to me. It didn't fascinate me all of a sudden, but I found it a very good tool, to be able to say so many things in such a short time. I started writing shortly afterwards, but it took many years before I started singing, especially because I was missing the referent girls doing rap. There were, but I knew only La Mala Rodríguez and Ari.

How do you remember the first time you came onstage?

It was 7-8 years ago, in a gaztetxe of the Navarre Bank. A large number of teams participated, all men. I saw good equipment, but also mediocre. I understood that I had a better level than them and I sang a song, out of shame, even though I sat her down.

Have you learned to enjoy the stage later?

OK! The scenario has many aspects: from saying and releasing whatever you want, from contacting the public, but carefully, it is also possible to increase the ego. It always gives great lessons.

Where does that “fury” come from inside you?

From the obstacles that the patriarchal system places me in being what I want and getting angry at disability. I usually get out of the wound and tell him I'm bleeding. For me, it's therapeutic.

Turn on your songs to princesses, maids and ideal finishes that you can't bring...

I want to be far from the ways of life that weaken me and cause me pain. The male violence that marginalizes us for gender reasons is integrated in our education. That's why I play in the songs until those stories that we were taught, until childhood.

In your songs there are copla bases, pasodoble, reggaeton... Are they also in you?

Yes, they're part of my musical culture, they come from my family. Mother's and grandmother's cocks and dad's jots. And they appear in my songs. Some people think that there are Machian musical styles, but there's not a machist style of its own, but uses like this. For example, reggaetone has been poorly seen among serious rap groups. Why? Because it's played with prejudice. It is the music of poor people in Latin America and as in many other styles there are sexist groups, but not the style itself. I do not claim a simple style, not even rap, all have to be expanded and reinforced!

Are there much more groups of girls than those who are uncovered?

I rap, but I move into the network of feminist music. Rap and punk groups multiply and there are many soloists. At the festivals where I go, I always find new groups.

My brother also rapes...

Yes, he's younger than me, but he started earlier. So what I've explained before, the guys are going up into the scenes with no more, and we, the girls, need three nudges. I owe this to my brother, who told me he was writing very well and starting to sing. We sing at once when we have occasion. He works in the Por La Sombra Rap group and in the A Las Bravas reggaeton project.

Ez dago clemencia. For whom is there no compassion?

For those who want to see us dead and don't let us be as we want.

The song about the law against abortion crossed borders...

It was commissioned by the television program La Nut. I was so burned with this issue that it was very easy for me: in a week I wrote, I sang and recorded; my anger was so great and the need to get out with words. Then the feminist movement made it its own and it was a gift to me. All revolutions need hymns, and for me it's an honor.

You conduct feminist empowerment workshops with rap and music.

It's the most beautiful thing that's happened to me in life. These are projects created and developed by me, and we learn together in the workshops. In one of these workshops, we worked on feminist empowerment through rap: to search for references, to define search tools, to rewrite the history of rappers women and to learn how to write rap songs. I have no interest in learning how to write rap well, but in learning how to write. It's a wrestling tool available to anyone, like punk, "do it yourself." Paper and pen are enough to say a lot of things. I've been to Orereta, Ordizia, Pasaia, Zumarraga, Gopegi... In addition, in some of them, I have started running the second workshop, entitled “Feminist empowerment with other artistic disciplines”. In them we work feminism with music, cinema and literature.

So, you're also growing up in the aforementioned music quarry, right?

Yes [laughs]. These workshops have already created the Red Panthers, The Golden Macarras and Criminal Bragada groups; and the first two have won the latest editions of the Beldur Barik competition.

You're very focused on the second album. What can you anticipate?

I'm making a more personal album, both in the way I do and in the result. It's going to have more rap, also electronics, and I'm going to innovate for the direct ones.

You are interested in the channel: Musika
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