Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Do ARGIA readers have any problems with their views?

ARGIA subscribers see worse than unpaid subscribers. No, it's not the result of a study by ARGIA, it's my theory. Or maybe even going to a second more accurate theory, you can conclude that the closest Net reader is older people. You will tell me, otherwise, how it can be understood that an optics put advertising on the weekly for almost fifty years! But whatever the reason, Zinkunegi Optika has seen the market there (the optics have seen the market... okay, jokes are also accepted), sure!

The third generation of the Zinkunegi family has already started working in optics, and it will be she who takes the witness of the business opened by her grandfather. And in the next few years, when they opened the store, they started putting the ad. It began in 1967-68 and today it still has a space in the journal. The Basque family of San Sebastian realized the importance of support for the Basque press at that time, and it was clear that he did not want to advertise in the media Diario Vasco and La Voz de España. To the Light of Heaven, therefore. Comfortably in an Euskaldun environment, as we wanted to attract the clients of that environment.

We have been recognized, however, that not only do they advertise to support the Basque media, that they like the journalism that ARGIA does, respect for territoriality, and that it is no coincidence that it will soon be the centenary of the journal. It's a sign that there are readers. The announcement has also been launched in other media: For example, in Euskaldunon Egunkaria and in Herri Irratia.

And if you want me to tell you the truth, reader, radio has blew me a little bit, because it radically changes my initial theory. Not only the ARGIA reader, but the Basque press reader in general with vision problems, could it be included in the calculations? Where is the role of sight?

Leaving aside the jokes, many thanks to the Zinkunegi family for having been part of ARGIA for so many years.

2024-10-18 | ARGIA
A worker dies at the outbreak of a warehouse in Estella
A 56-year-old worker has died in Estella while working in the warehouse in Agralco (Alcoholera Group of Cooperatives Wineries), where he worked. The event took place at 10:00 in the agricultural waste warehouse known as the Estella/Lizarra alcoholera.

Fear as a common space
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Puig Antich, the state never apologizes
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Following the assassination of Sinwar, the war continues
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2024-10-18 |
They report the death of 10 workers in Navarre as they fall from the height in the last three years
The trade unions LAB, CGT, Steilas, ESK, EHNE and Hiru have denounced the cases of ten workers who died in Navarre as they fell high.

Marcos Maceira, President of Linguistic Standardization
“It will be very difficult to reverse the Galician if the linguistic policy of the PP is not corrected”
The Galician Institute of Statistics (INE) has released the latest data from the Galician survey. Knowledge and use have regressed. The loss is higher in younger age groups. A third of the population aged 5-14 has declared that they know little or nothing about Galician. We... [+]

Why are Renfe trains painted with more graffiti than ever before?
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2024-10-18 | Hala Bedi
Araba Bizirik calls the demonstration against macro-projects in Gasteiz for 26 October
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2024-10-18 | Urumeako Kronika
The festival 'Hariak', witness the stories of resistance, from 7 to 17 November in Hernani
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2024-10-18 |
Women's Hip-hop Festival to be held on 9 November in Bilbao
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Xamarrek ‘Orhipean, Gure Herria ezagutzen’ liburuaren edizio berria aurkeztu du

Gaur Donostian Orhipean, Gure Herria ezagutzen liburuaren edizio berria aurkeztu dute. Bertan Izan da egilea Xamar eta berarekin batera Antton Luku, Isabel Isazelaia eta Lander Majuelo.

Eguneraketa berriak daude